O.k. now I am just getting anxious

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Mosocw, ID
Well the dealer called, my new bike is in, assembled, double-checked and ready to be picked up.

Got my insurance cards, and the dealer was nice enough to go down to the DMV and get me my new plates (YOU CANNOT BEAT THAT)

Problem is I can't pick it up until tomorrow morning because I have to work a 10 hour day today and my folks are taking us to dinner tonight.

They are now retired and live in Arizona most of the year and up at the lake in the summer so it's the only time they will be in Moscow this summer so I can't get out of it.

But tomorrow at 8:30 I will be down there to pick it up.....I am so excited.

Everyone have a great weekend and everyone in the northwest enjoy the nice weather we are supposed to have.

And WA riders remember it's hoop fest this weekend and it's also the second highest DUI weekend of the year for the state so ride carefully.

When mine came in my boss knew I was going to be sick the next day to go get it. About lunch time the day before he came in and said go get your new FJR you won't get anything done today and that way you can ride all day tomorrow. It is nice when your boss rides too. :D

Yes that would be nice, actually I didn't even mention it to my boss this time.

We have 2 other people out of the office today which leaves me the only IT person to close down the office today so I got stuck.

But I wasn't going to get to ride today anyways...but I since I am working 10 hour days I do have a 3 day weekend and it's not supposed to rain until Tuesday so I should still get plent of riding in this weekend.

Why do I envision Wayward_Traveller's face plastered to the dealership's window?

"Open open open open..." :dribble:

Well at least he'll get a good nights sleep, wake refreshed and rested, and be all set to pick up the bike for a weekend rid................................

Naw! That's not going to happen.

So, are you still up? Oh, wait, you're in Idaho, not out east, so it's not very late where you are. Oh well :)

Have fun with the new ride! I picked mine up Tuesday afternoon, and have already crossed 200 miles on it, just commuting. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll get any bike time this weekend, but I really hope you do!!!

Thanks Mike and everyone else....yep still up almost 11...

Have a bunch of computer work to do at the house this weekend, setting up 2 new ones for the wife and kid...like I didn't do that all week.

So I will be up late but it will keep my mind busy and then it will free up more time to ride this weekend...

Hey Way!

Be sure to keep in touch with us (the motley crew) and let us know how things went with the stealer er... I mean dealer

and let us know your first impressions of the bike.

Funny how one gets exited about another enthusiast, a couple thousand miles away, gettin' his new scoot!

Hopin' all goes well for ya............


What'cha wanna bet he doesn't quit smilin' until the first note is due! :clapping: :clapping:


Give him another month or so when he finally stops riding. I wonder what state or country he'll be in after rdiing for that long.... :blink:

Probably will have the nastiest case of monkey butt too... :dribble:

Congrats. Always read the manual at least for 1300 seconds before operation!! Enjoy ur new ride. (OK, admit it, someone reached for their calculator to see how many minutes are in 1300 seconds...)

Just got in from a ride......LOVE IT...went out and man it's hot here today, highest I hit was 103 and that was down in the valley...but it's still over 90 in Moscow today.

Bike is great, got my first scratch before the first 100 miles though dammit, had a rock or a piece of gravel jump up and hit the top of my bag for about an inch.....dammit.

Oh well I guess got the first one out the of the way the first day.

Smooth ride, lots of power, riding up a 7% grade in 5th and being able to just roll on and boom you are at 80 is AWESOME...so much more than my old GS which it looks like I sold to my buddy today when he saw my new one.

Paid a little more for my YES warranty than at D&H but I figured hell, the saleman went out of his way for me, drove his own pickup over 100 miles to pick up my bike for me, and didn't charge me transportation or assembly fees.

All I paid was tax and $20 for document fees. Oh and $26 for plate but of course that was because he was nice enough to go register it and apply for the title for me yesterday so I would be ready to ride this weekend, so I had to pay him back for that.

Plus he threw in the Yamaha FJR cover for free.

So paying $440 for the 4 year extended YES warranty was doable for me, plus he told me he will work anything he can into that warranty for me, INCLUDING the 26k valve adjustment.

So if it wasn't for the scratch I would have to say a great day, oh and when I got the final total for my insurance yesterday it had dropped too due to me being a safety instructor.

So only paying $240 a year for full coverage with a $500 deductable, I know there are some less but there are a lot that are higher than that.

Oh and it's the third anniversary of the harley shop down in the valley so needless to say I passed a lot of bikes on the 70 miles there and back, got wave from all but about 6 people out of I would say 70.

And 3 of those were sport bikes.... so overall apparantly a very respected bike on the road.

I also noticed I got quite a few looks today in town and when passing people.

Really good day.........thank you to everyone that has helped contribute to my decesion to purchase the FJR, a wonderful, beautiful, powerful machine.

Oh and already read the whole manual.....just something I have always done, did it with both my new bikes, and my new cars, you never know what you might learn hehe.

Learned how to set my clock LOL!

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