oh this is so cool...powered deer avoidance system

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as recommended by current Motorcycle Consumer News...
I imagine this siren is good, but it is not cheap and takes a fair bit of space.

I'm running a couple of these which are water proof, flash mounted with a small footprint and make a hell of a racket. I have two of these installed at the top of the "lower fairing pan" behind the front wheel.

* This high performance device actively provides a warning to wildlife, reducing collisions and accidents

* Perfect for areas with active wildlife

* Sends out an audible signal up to 1/4 mile away

Just activate it from the dash-mounted switch and this device will help to avoid deer and other animals! Operates at any speed! This can be used in any and all vehicles and is easy to install! Unit is resistant to bugs and weather.
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as recommended by current Motorcycle Consumer News...

I've been running one of these for years, it works perfectly, I have never hit a deer since I've been using it. It costs a bit more but offers features beyond deer repellent.


Hmm, me likey....Question is, since it's audible, how annoying is it when on the bike :)
I don't even hear it unless completely stopped, and then only just, since I always use earplugs. Also when moving you have the Doppler effect working in your favor to keep it from hearing/annoying you.

Hmm, me likey....Question is, since it's audible, how annoying is it when on the bike :)
Q. Can people hear The Hornet?
A. Most animals, including people, hear within the same frequency ranges, although some animals can hear tones several thousand hertz higher. For most people, The Hornet's output falls within the upper end of their range of hearing and is clearly audible. However, some people, primarily older people, have a narrower hearing range and may not be able to hear The Hornet.
It HAS to work, it is based on military equipment. I wonder what the military use this technology for.

Using the latest military technology from the field of high pitched, directional sonic bombardment...
Stick = car (of course, little difference in size or speed) car = running

If you relate The Hornet to stepping on that twig and your vehicle being you running towards the deer, this is the basic reason The Hornet works
You have his word on it. Trust him to have the independent and objective statistics from several testing services. I know several FJR owners that would disagree...

has been proven to reduce the risk of animal/vehicle collision by more than 70%
“As your vehicle is moving towards the deer, they will normally run for safety.”
And to prove his point he clearly explains:


After reading that how could you doubt that it will work? I'm blinded by the science!

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Q. Can people hear The Hornet?
A. Most animals, including people, hear within the same frequency ranges, although some animals can hear tones several thousand hertz higher. For most people, The Hornet's output falls within the upper end of their range of hearing and is clearly audible. However, some people, primarily older people, have a narrower hearing range and may not be able to hear The Hornet.
Well, most of us should be OK with it then! :p

Could someone please explain to me why the deer alert stuff is always high pitched?

I was watching a herd of about 15 of Ohio's nice fat cornfed deer try to cross the road... only about 25 miles away from Aurora, (that's neither here no there, but there is a lot of deer in NE Ohio!)

Was almost dark... and in the middle of winter, lots of snow.

The stag leading would wait...when he heard a vehicle approaching, they would back off. Took them about 20 minutes, then when he was sure it was safe, lead them across the road. So they do hear lower noises, or maybe the ones that live there actually learned about cars... and farm trucks....dunno.

We won't mention that it also took them almost 10 minutes to cross the two lane country road... guess they liked playing in the pavement where the snow plows had cleaned the road...<G>


J.C. Whitney used to sell those. I put a number of them on a customers Wing but they all burned out in short order. Hope these are better.

I've been running one of these for years, it works perfectly, I have never hit a deer since I've been using it. It costs a bit more but offers features beyond deer repellent.
I like the pretty lights too. :p I also have one of these and have never encountered a deer with it on.
I might like one of those multi-purpose 'deer scare-rs' (pictured above).

Do microwaves frighten deer? (can we get a govt. grant to study that...?)

Does it come in chrome...? :unsure: :)

I once read something from a "wildlife expert" who claimed that deer alert type devices were a crapshoot, as deer tend to dart in whatever direction they're already facing when they're startled. So they're just as likely to run at you as away from you. I've never used them and am happy to say I've never had what I consider to be "near misses", in spite of the fact that Ohio is chock full O those critters.

J.C. Whitney used to sell those. I put a number of them on a customers Wing but they all burned out in short order. Hope these are better.
I guess they fixed them, because mine have been on the bike for over a year and I am not shy about using them :)

You guys better be careful with those things. I accidentally got the wires reversed and every time I rode through the woods a herd of deer would chase me down the road!!!! :eek:hno-smiley:
