Oil leak on rear drive

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If you stick teflon tape on the threads, you do a couple of negative things. First of all, you mess up the expected relationship between the torque and the bolt elongation because you change the friction force.
Sort of. You will change the torque being applied due to the decrease in thread friction and could end up putting too much strain on those poor little alloy threads. But, although your stretching bolt theory is correct for things like head bolts etc., that fat assed 14mm fill plug isn't stretching one bit with the specified 17 ft-lb of torque applied.
Head bolts are loaded in fatigue, and the stiffness of the whole assembly is related to the stiffness of the bolts. This application is not loaded in fatigue, but you're still inducing strains in the threads when you torque it.

Perhaps using the term elongation here was confusing, but deformation of threads is part of what keeps stuff tight. The deformation doesn't have to be plastic to be real.

On the bright side, we're in agreement that the teflon tape idea is neither necessary nor desirable. A correct crush washer and proper torquing should lead to oil leakage nirvana.

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2006FJR - You need help. No bike should be that clean.
Fairlaner has the cleanest looking FJR I have seen yet. His bike is much cleaner than mine. :dribble:
The correct term is GAYEST bike, not that there is anything wrong with that..

Every time I change rear end oil on my 06, I get some of what you are seeing. A quick shot of brakekleen and all is good until the next oil change.

I agree that using Teflon tape is not needed and use of which should be discouraged.

Fairlaner has the cleanest looking FJR I have seen yet. His bike is much cleaner than mine. :dribble:

The correct term is GAYEST bike, not that there is anything wrong with that..

Without counting Beeroux's FJR, I believe I may have the one and ONLY "GAYEST" AE model. Honestly, I am not particularly concerned about it!! :rolleyes:

Hate to be serious for a sec..... :huh:

This slight amount of seepage you have is actually not unusual at all. It is a typical result of not changing the crush washer every time you flush/refill the pumpkin housing, however, it can even occur when using a new crush washer. BTDT many a time.

A shot of WD-40 on a rag, quick wipe... voilà, all is good again.

Now, then.... on the matter of this "clean" bike thing..... some standards always apply:


Not that there's anything wrong with that..... :lol:

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I guess if I lived in WA where it rains everyday it might be different sorry. It takes seconds and the bike is nice an clean again. I can see how it is not for everyone. :rolleyes:
