Oily residue below starter motor

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Constant Mesh

Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
I've noticed an oily, sandy grit residue just below my starter motor. As I was changing the engine oil today the sunlight clearly illuminated that area below the starter and I noticed the residue. It's probably been there for a long time.

I may be seeing the onset of the same problem that SkooterG experienced with oil entering his starter motor from a leaky o-ring.

Don't know of any other oil source in that general location. Maybe the balancer shaft in the right rear of the engine could be oozing oil from its gasketed lid. But I doubt it.

Too bad that area is not easily accessed.

Mine was the balancer cover leaking. It would pool in a concave space on top of the transmission, and the spill out when I put the bike on the sidestand.

Airbox and throttle bodies have to come out to access either one, the balancer cover or the starter. See my oil leak thread.

If it's only a small leak why not try some Oil Stop Leak product, since these are designed to rejuvenate seals/gaskets... :rolleyes:

Why worry?

Sounds like it more of an aesthetic issue to me.. Same with the filer cap.

At least it ain't dripping all over your drive or garage floor.

Why worry?

Sounds like it more of an aesthetic issue to me.. Same with the filer cap.

At least it ain't dripping all over your drive or garage floor.
I am shattered, shocked and amazed that not only did you spell it right, but you used it correctly in a sentence!

Missus Grundy, your 4th grade English teacher, would be pround.


Why worry?

Sounds like it more of an aesthetic issue to me.. Same with the filer cap.

At least it ain't dripping all over your drive or garage floor.
I am shattered, shocked and amazed that not only did you spell it right, but you used it correctly in a sentence!

Missus Grundy, your 4th grade English teacher, would be pround.


Bonus points for spelling "aesthetic" correctly. Then take triple the points away for misspelling "filler".

Actually I'm rather shocked at my coherency in that response..

I'd been up 20 hours at that point and balls to the wall for 17 working on a buildout that was 2 days behind schedule because i was sick as fuk with the flu an bronchitis and a subcontractor who decided to play games in my absence.

Today we didn't start till 5 am and I turned 'em loose @ 5 pm.

Thankfully I have A crew that never worked for the union and understands sometimes you have to bust ass to make shit happen.

Oh, we're about 6 hours ahead of schedule now ;)

I think I should only suffer double points for the Filler fiasco. :lol:

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Beginning to think this job sucks, super or not..

Feeling like an IBA rider.On my way back to work after what? 2 hours...I got 45 minutes of restful sleep :blink:

Couldn't be all THAT tough....you have time to post on an Internet forum, right? (between pr0n searches) :p

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OK, you get all the bonus points back for working that hard for that many hours in a row. Now, just make sure you get drunk as f*ck this coming weekend. You've earned it.

OK, you get all the bonus points back for working that hard for that many hours in a row. Now, just make sure you get drunk as f*ck this coming weekend. You've earned it.
Yeah...And then he's gonna spend all his hard earned money on a shit load of Natural Light, Cheetos and porn. Then on Monday he's gonna go to the doctor all freaked out cuz his little pepis-saurous-rex is orange!

He'll have exactly $0 left!

Yeah...And then he's gonna spend all his hard earned money on a shit load of Natural Light, Cheetos and porn. Then on Monday he's gonna go to the doctor all freaked out cuz his little penis-saurous-rex is orange!
OMFG, I near pooped myself laughing at this!!! :rofl:

(AJ, hope you don't mind the spelling correction on his extinct member description)
