Olympia Phantom 1 Piece Suit

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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How do you route the wire for a heated vest on the one piece suit? Thanks.

I routed mine though the left hand pocket. I used a soldering iron to melt a hole in the fabric, then I put a piece of heavy duty galfing tape over the hole on the inside and outside. Then with an x-acto knife, slit an X in the tape so the wire will fit through. After I route the wire I can zip the pocket up and fold the flap. The tape will help keep the fabric from tearing after many uses and tugging. Also will help with keeping water out. The soldering iron works great to make the hole because it melts though easily and doesn't cause any fraying. I spent some time to figure this out because I didn't want to cause any dammage to the suite. It works great.


I asked one of my friends who has logged thousands of miles in his Phantom to chime in and give some insight. He's in the middle.


Good Lord! I'm blind!

PS... not really but that is one bright suit. Blows the yellow aerostich away... although the stich looks well weathered... but still... wow!

Yup, I've got (as does Lorie) the neon yellow AST jacket and I love it! Not only am I visible on the road, the folks in the Space Shuttle can see me too!

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I asked one of my friends who has logged thousands of miles in his Phantom to chime in and give some insight. He's in the middle.
I am the one in the left in that pic. The Suit is really nice. The legs get a little sweaty on hot days but its not unbearable. I notice cars see me better. So that is a plus. I always see them slam thier brakes when they are coming onto my road I am on. Waterproof is not so good without the liner. I got soaked in a downpour for 2 hours in NS on that trip. Another guy with the black one says the liner made the differnence in staying dry. Upper Ventilation is really good in the summer. Overall I am happy with it. I like it even though I get a lot of looks. When someone says somthing I just tell them about the time I was hit by a car. That seems to quiet them up.

