On Loveland Pass Today

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Well-known member
May 14, 2006
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Okay, I know the photo would have been better with just the FJR and without me, but I could not resist getting a couple of shots at the top of Loveland Pass, Colorado, on our ride today.

Obviously, me and my FJR.


And one of the guys in our club, showing off on his Valkyrie. Can't do this with an FJR, but then again, who'd want to....


Schweet! Great pics! Thanks for sharing.

A couple things:

Yes, you can do that with an FJR, and dayem, just think how much nicer the photo would have been with the purtier silver color.

Nice pics. I was out in your neck of the woods today too. Unfortunatly I left the FJR at home cause I don't have the video cam set up for it yet.


I stand corrected...and corrected...and corrected...and corrected.
I thought that with the linked brakes that this would be much harder to do...and corrected...
Well, mine is a Non ABS 2005 model. I've heard (although I'm not certain) that ABS models (such as yours) won't do a burnout. The linked brakes shouldn't have an impact though, as the front lever only actuates your front brakes. It's the rear brake pedal that applies some braking force to both ends of the bike (IIRC).

HATE YOU GUYS!!!! HATE!, HATE!, HATE!!! :angry:

My bro live's in Fort Collins, used to go out there ever summer (BWK - Before wife/kids) Still have my 85 Nighthawks S there. We'd ride to steamboat to see the vintage racing, estes, red rocks, tohelluride, all over! Not fair you have the best roads in the nation!!!!!! NOTFAIR!, NOT FAIR!!!! :grrr: :grrr:

Adam in NY :sadsmiley02:

Hey Dave nice pix! I'm glad to see you've joined the ranks of happy FJR owners!

We've met before. I also own a Valkyrie & we rode togther when you Colorado guys visited us Vermin here in Washington! I believe you were on a Goldwing! I go by TC or Darth Tater in the Vermin club.

If I recall correctly you guys said adios as we were stuck on the North Cascades Hwy fixing a flat tire on a Valkyrie Interstate!

Bring that FJR up here to Washington!

Can't do this with an FJR, but then again, who'd want to....
Dave, Dave, Dave...so much to learn. :p

My Smokey Burnout
Freakin' sweet Gunny! I have done a few burnouts, But yours is far more than i have done...

How much rubber got caked on the underside? :haha:

...And whats with the puddle??? :blink: The Feejer will do it on dry just fine!

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How much rubber got caked on the underside? :haha:
...And whats with the puddle??? :blink: The Feejer will do it on dry just fine!
No rubber caked on the bike, but I did have quite a sweep-up job in front of Desert Cycle Works. Puddle? Nope, no puddle here. That was rubber from the first pass and from previous demonstrations (mine and other customers).

Man, I love doing that.

HATE YOU GUYS!!!! HATE!, HATE!, HATE!!! :angry:
My bro live's in Fort Collins, used to go out there ever summer (BWK - Before wife/kids) Still have my 85 Nighthawks S there. We'd ride to steamboat to see the vintage racing, estes, red rocks, tohelluride, all over! Not fair you have the best roads in the nation!!!!!! NOTFAIR!, NOT FAIR!!!! :grrr: :grrr:

Adam in NY :sadsmiley02:
Well Adam, I grew up in Colorado and I missed it so much that I rode there last summer. You could do the same! But to see almost every spot you mentioned plus Mount Evans go see my ride reports ;)

Nice shots of Loveland pass Dave! Looks like the hills got plenty of snow last winter!

In September of 05 my dad and I went blowing though Thompson Canyon on our 1980 Suzuki's. It was a rare event that we backed it below 60 mph. What a ride!

The only area that is better than that is from Glenwood Springs, down 133 to Delta, the to Ouray. Backtrack from Ouray to Ridgway and run down to Teluride and Delores, then back to Durango.

Oh, and sometime go north of South Fork to Lake City. A 7% downgrade and 15mph turns sits in the breathtaking scenery.
