one lucky fukr

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Techno Geek
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Lompoc, CA
i ran into the best of luck today, one of my riding friends gave me his Zumo 550 for FREE! :yahoo:

but with all things free, there be some catches.

the story: a few months back my riding buddy got tattooed by a prius when riding his venture, he walked with a broken collar bone and wife broken knee. As of now his collar bone is healed and his wife is just about finished with therapy. he has since then bought a new venture and new toys to go with it (including a new Zumo 550). he wanted to sell his old Zumo but it was working oddly, i asked what he wanted for it and he more or less gave me the box and said "it doesn't work and you good with this type of shit so take it, it's taking space in my garage." now it sits in my hot hands.

whats wrong with it. after a short ride in my truck to pinpoint what is the matter with the unit, it seems that is self shuts down when you enter a specific address. after putting in the street number and hitting done it shuts down, 100% of the time. the unit is updated to 4.30 with 2008 maps loaded on it.

what i think is up with it. it acts like the search function software has a major bug in it, but it will find and guide you to city's. since this unit was involved in a crash (no, the unit stayed in the M/C cradle and was not "ejected") i am thinking it could be that the main or one of (if any) sub processors may have cracked internally and when it tries to "find/process" your input it sorts out and causes it to shut off.

what i have done so far... i have contacted Garmin on this issue. I have seen that since this it out of warranty it would cost $200 to repair it +taxes and shipping

all and all i still think i got a awesome deal, even if it cost me 200 to get it fixed.

now does any one think any different? and think i may be able to repair this my self?

Given the nature of the problem (no, the processor is not 'cracked' - probably there's a bad RAM location), I suspect that if you make nice the right way with their support people Garmin WILL make your unit good for free - do NOT tell them it was in an accident

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i ran into the best of luck today, one of my riding friends gave me his Zumo 550 for FREE! :yahoo: but with all things free, there be some catches.

the story: a few months back my riding buddy got tattooed by a prius when riding his venture, he walked with a broken collar bone and wife broken knee. As of now his collar bone is healed and his wife is just about finished with therapy. he has since then bought a new venture and new toys to go with it (including a new Zumo 550). he wanted to sell his old Zumo but it was working oddly, i asked what he wanted for it and he more or less gave me the box and said "it doesn't work and you good with this type of shit so take it, it's taking space in my garage." now it sits in my hot hands.

whats wrong with it. after a short ride in my truck to pinpoint what is the matter with the unit, it seems that is self shuts down when you enter a specific address. after putting in the street number and hitting done it shuts down, 100% of the time. the unit is updated to 4.30 with 2008 maps loaded on it.

what i think is up with it. it acts like the search function software has a major bug in it, but it will find and guide you to city's. since this unit was involved in a crash (no, the unit stayed in the M/C cradle and was not "ejected") i am thinking it could be that the main or one of (if any) sub processors may have cracked internally and when it tries to "find/process" your input it sorts out and causes it to shut off.

what i have done so far... i have contacted Garmin on this issue. I have seen that since this it out of warranty it would cost $200 to repair it +taxes and shipping

all and all i still think i got a awesome deal, even if it cost me 200 to get it fixed.

now does any one think any different? and think i may be able to repair this my self?

Try reloading the operating software on it.

If you use Garmin's "Web updater" utility it will allow you to load the an updated version or reload the currently existing version.

Either way you look at it, $200 for a 550 is pretty doggone good...

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Man that's sounds familiar. The Venture..The Crash..Broken Collar Bone..Broken Wife..(That was the scariest part)

Didn't get a free Zumo out of the event but I sold the Venture and bought the FJR.

Anyway my Zumo 550 acted up recently and the Garmin tech had me just pull the battery. May be that the unit could be holding the memory active even when it is off. Anyway pulling the battery fixed my erratic behavior on the Zumo anyway..

When in doubt "Reboot"

I suspect that if you make nice the right way with their support people Garmin WILL make your unit good for free - do NOT tell them it was in an accident
I disagree with this advice. Why not just be honest? If it cost some bills, it cost some bills.

I do like the reload & reboot advice. I had a similar problem with my IPOD. Turns out a simple reset sequence fixed everything.

Man that's sounds familiar. The Venture..The Crash..Broken Collar Bone..Broken Wife..(That was the scariest part)
Didn't get a free Zumo out of the event but I sold the Venture and bought the FJR.

Anyway my Zumo 550 acted up recently and the Garmin tech had me just pull the battery. May be that the unit could be holding the memory active even when it is off. Anyway pulling the battery fixed my erratic behavior on the Zumo anyway..

When in doubt "Reboot"
pulled the battery still same error

this is the apparent issue

from here thanks dcarver of the link

F2) Address search bug #1:

Must fix

Confirmed bug in Zumo models 400-450-500 (some also on a 550!)

Started from firmware version 4.00 and up

[edit 07-14-08] The firmware 4.30 version did not fix this bug!

Bug: When searching for an address, the unit shuts off.

People that experience this problem can try rolling back one firmware version (3.90)

Other reports of fixes are:

Deleting all additional maps on the Zumo. (only GMAPSUPP.img !!!)

Do the update to the latest firmware

Reinstall maps from scratch with mapsource.

Garmin have responded on a German site that they could reproduce this bug, and are working on a solution.

Another user on ADVrider reported that, if you have two types of maps loaded and selected at the same time, this triggers the bug. Work arround was to de-select the maps you are not currently using. This might explain why some people report not having problems, while others do. <Note> This behaviour was not present in older firmware versions.

de-selecting city nav north America NT v8 SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA seam to be the fix so far.

report: well after 250 odd miles and using it as a juke box, nav and hands free. I have not been able to make it fail after removing the extra map. call it NFF :clapping:

i kinda feel bad for accepting it for free from a older guy that does not fully understand hi-tec things, even though he has a brand new one. must be nice to have hemorrhaging money and be retired.

an no...... you can't have it, it MINE now.

report: well after 250 odd miles and using it as a juke box, nav and hands free. I have not been able to make it fail after removing the extra map. call it NFF :clapping:

i kinda feel bad for accepting it for free from a older guy that does not fully understand hi-tec things, even though he has a brand new one. must be nice to have hemorrhaging money and be retired.

an no...... you can't have it, it MINE now.
Glad to hear it works. Maybe you can get us good and lost this weekend in big bear :yahoo:

just got the last RAM tidbit from UPS

heres what it looks like from my hight on Heli risers


with it on

