One Opinion of Etymotic Research Products

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Dec 13, 2006
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Just "one data point" about Etymotic Research products for anyone considering using them:

I bought a set just for travel use (sitting on an airplane).

Used them for about 2.5 years till the flimsy wires broke leading from the plug to one of the ear pieces

(I thought the wires were pretty lame looking when I bought them)

Called Etymotic Research ..... got the "sorry, only one year warranty" ....

Just to make it clear ... I only used them while SITTING on an airplane .... maybe 24 times in 4 years.

Other than their flimsy construction, they are awesome and do exactly what they say

(awesome sound while significantly reducing outside noise)

My last set of ER6i lasted for about 40k miles, and considering you can pick up a new set for about $70 on IMO this is a good deal. Considering also the kind of quality sound and ear protection they offer. I am always carefull to not just use the wires to pull them out but to releave the pressure by pulling back on the ear before removing them.

I've had mine for about 1.5 years. Still work ok, BUT, on one side the wire is starting to come out of the earpiece. And, I can't keep the damn wires from curling! I pull them thru my fingers and that will straighten them out somewhat, but then they go back to the fetal position.

I've used these in my helment - not often; and to PT. To be honest, I'm not impressed by their ruggedness and ability to stand up to what I consider pretty "normal" use.

Anyone have the new Bose ear jobbies?

Never tried ER6i's, in spite of all the good reviews, I picked up a set of Sennheiser CX-300S's at the local Circuit City $89.95. Had them for over a year without any problems. Order online from Circuit City get a 15% discount.


Am I the only person to think that these "earspeakers", as they call them. suck?

I bought a set of ER6's from Areostitch this past summer and couldn't believe how awful they sounded; tinny, reduced volume. I even traded a few emails with ER's customer service dept (they tried to be helpful) to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong.

Bottom line for me is that I was completely underwhelmed. The Koss units that I paid $10.00 for on ebay sound infinitely better.

Just one guy's opinion.

couldn't believe how awful they sounded; tinny, reduced volume.

I love mine, the trick is you gotta push them deep into your ears. The sound is excellent when installed properly, and they eliminate virtually all wind noise.

Try them again, you won't be disappointed.

Am I the only person to think that these "earspeakers", as they call them. suck?
I bought a set of ER6's from Areostitch this past summer and couldn't believe how awful they sounded; tinny, reduced volume. I even traded a few emails with ER's customer service dept (they tried to be helpful) to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong.

Bottom line for me is that I was completely underwhelmed. The Koss units that I paid $10.00 for on ebay sound infinitely better.

Just one guy's opinion.

It's also possible you just had a faulty set. I'm an audio engineer and have worn countless sets of headphones, ear buds, etc...and I find the sound quality of the ER6i's I have to be very good. I'm guessing yours were damaged are tone deaf.


I bought a set of Metro.FI 2's made by Ultimate Ears. They sound pretty good to me, and seem to seal pretty well.


I bought the cheaper 2's for a couple of reasons. One, I'm a cheapskate (they have studio quality higher priced models). Hey!! I'm a native Yankee, what can I say. Two, they are smaller and I thought would be easier to wiggle under the helmet without dislodging from the ear canal. And three, they were cheaper. (Oh did I already mention that?)

Well, the sound quality is fine (by my grueling standards) but the sound isolation is not what I was hoping for. I have fairly large ear canals (left larger than right) and the damn things will not stay fully sealed when I put the helmet on. Last time out I stuck the phones in, got a nice seal and then used hospital tape over my ears to try and hold them in place while donning my helmet. I could hear the music fine, but the road noise was till too high for my liking. I like the amount of isolation I get from the 33dB foam Howard Leight earplugs, the bright orange ones. If I could find an earphone with that much attenuation and music I'd be very happy.

I also have a set of the really ultra mega cheap Koss foam-seal type earphones and likewise can't maintain a good seal on those either. But those don't sound nearly as good at the MetroFi's

Summary: Good sound. Excellent sitting or on a plane. Can't get em to stay put in a helmet. I recommend them for normal listening but can't recommend them for 'cycles.

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I love mine, the trick is you gotta push them deep into your ears. The sound is excellent when installed properly, and they eliminate virtually all wind noise.

Try them again, you won't be disappointed.
Tried that. Pushed them in until it was uncomfortable. Slight improvement, but still not acceptable.

It's also possible you just had a faulty set. I'm an audio engineer and have worn countless sets of headphones, ear buds, etc...and I find the sound quality of the ER6i's I have to be very good. I'm guessing yours were damaged are tone deaf.
Tone deaf, I don't think so. I'm a musician as well as having my own studio, so I too have had lots of experience with many different sources. These ER6's just have no bottom.

Loud volume != sound quality
Lots of boomy bass != sound quality

( != means not equal to)
Your assessment is correct, however condescending. I'll have to disagree in this particular application. To overcome wind and engine noise, adequate volume is necessary. The same applies to the bass reproduction. Under the conditions, these are the first frequencies to be affected by competition with the types external noises experienced while riding.

But that is all beside the point. My ER6's don't produce good sound under any conditions. They could be defective. Unfortunately, I am past the point of being able to return them for a refund. My bad.

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I tried several of the more expensive noise reducing earbuds and didn't like them then I saw JVC Marshmellows on sale for $19.95 and tried them. I found them to be good for both noise reduction and sound. Sometimes it doesn't have to be pricey to be good?

Mine have a season in the helmet and are doing fine, but at the low price I;m not upset if they don't have a long life.

Am I the only person to think that these "earspeakers", as they call them. suck?
I bought a set of ER6's from Areostitch this past summer and couldn't believe how awful they sounded; tinny, reduced volume. I even traded a few emails with ER's customer service dept (they tried to be helpful) to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong.

Bottom line for me is that I was completely underwhelmed. The Koss units that I paid $10.00 for on ebay sound infinitely better.

Just one guy's opinion.

This was exactly my experience, tinny with no bass. Thought I was tone deaf. Will look up the Koss units.

Loud volume != sound quality
Lots of boomy bass != sound quality

( != means not equal to)

Unless you were directing your response to my post (the one preceding your own), and I don't think that you were, it is best to at least partially quote the post that you are replying to.

FWIW, the Metro.Fi earphones are not boomy nor bassy though they do provide plenty of volume, as I suspect any in ear monitors would.

Bose© makes the best earbuds. It says so on their website. They don't publish any specs on them like other manufacturers do but they assure me they are the best earbuds that have ever been marketed, errr, designed. :glare:

Westone UM-2

The last word in high quality, reasonably priced ear-canal transducers.

You have more money to spend? Westone ES-3

Either model can be fitted with custom made ear molds

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Another view, this on Sony Noise Cancelling earphones:;highlight=sonyI always wet them lightly with saliva before seating them in my ear. Helps with the placement and seal.
Gunny on the wetting. I have to say, I always feel self conscious when doing the wetting though. While it does seem to help with achieving a good seal, it also has been detrimental to maintaining one when the helmet it pulled on IME.
