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Jun 14, 2005
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updated article: www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-searsjul06,1,597937.story?coll=chi-news-hed


I would say this is more of a stupidity thread more than a gun thread.

(BTW, I don't own a gun, but might own one some day, always want that right, etc.).

However, to own a gun, travel across state lines without the slightest curiosity about their gun laws IS stupid. Even stupid er er, is to go to the Sears 'freakin' Tower with your gun. One of the nation's tallest buildings...surely gonna be some anti-terorist security there don't cha think. Uhhhh should I bring my gun or not...heads/tails...

I don't know what her motivation was or if she completely spaced...I'm sure they are just putting the fear of God into her right now with the felony thing to kind of "clear her mind". I'm sure they don't mind the story getting out to any other dingbat out there...

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Dont get me on a rant man.......... Ths is one of my buttons.... So here goes.

I have haad a CCW (concealed weapons permit) for 15+ years. I have never taken it out or felt a need to think about it. OK before everyone goes off on a tangent, I got it becuase I wanted to and because I can

I can carry in MOST states with my Utah Permit. Exceptions being Nevada, and Kalifornia (out of the close ones anyway)

I usually dont carry, and I can see her making this mistake. But to hit her with a Felony.................... Paaleaseeeeeeee. Gimma a break. Someone trying to get reelected or sumfin there???

Dont get me on a rant man.......... Ths is one of my buttons.... So here goes.
I have haad a CCW (concealed weapons permit) for 15+ years. I have never taken it out or felt a need to think about it. OK before everyone goes off on a tangent, I got it becuase I wanted to and because I can

I can carry in MOST states with my Utah Permit. Exceptions being Nevada, and Kalifornia (out of the close ones anyway)

I usually dont carry, and I can see her making this mistake. But to hit her with a Felony.................... Paaleaseeeeeeee. Gimma a break. Someone trying to get reelected or sumfin there???
If she has no priors, they'll probably plea it down to something reasonable, but.......How do you not know that you cant carry your firearm in the whole f'ing state. I can see forgetting and carrying someplace like a post office (big no-no), but the WHOLE state. I have a CCW here in Texas, and I always know where I can and can't have it. And if I make a mistake, I would hope they wouldn't charge me with a felony. They are going to put it out to the press that they are throwing the book at her (to remind people you cant do it), but I doubt that will happen.


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once again... screw the law abiding citizen

If she abided by the law...and common sense...she wouldn't be in the pickle now would she?

Also, how do we know she wasn't a "crazy" intent on some deadly pub? If my wife and kids are there for the tour at the top, I don't want some body carrying' heat up there...

...store it in a locker and pick it back up after the tour...geez

Let me file this one in the front of brain! <_<

How to get rid of a wife or girlfriend...........yeah.........just slip that .38 compact in her purse and head into a secure area :unsure: .......yeah :rolleyes: ....that's the ticket!

Let me file this one in the front of brain! <_< How to get rid of a wife or girlfriend...........yeah.........just slip that .38 compact in her purse and head into a secure area :unsure: .......yeah :rolleyes: ....that's the ticket!
:good: ....nice to see those happy thoughts DucatiSSsp :lol: .....

once again... screw the law abiding citizen

If she abided by the law...and common sense...she wouldn't be in the pickle now would she?

Also, how do we know she wasn't a "crazy" intent on some deadly pub? If my wife and kids are there for the tour at the top, I don't want some body carrying' heat up there...

...store it in a locker and pick it back up after the tour...geez
What if there was a crazy up there and she was not?? Would you be happy she had it then?? Crazies generally dont go get carry permits............... // Nuf sed

As a CCW holder, I have ZERO sympathy for the dumb bitch. Anyone careless and STUPID enought o do that should NOT, I repeat NOT be able to own a firearm. If she is THAT stupid just having it - do you really expect her to have good judgement USING it???

No matter what she is charged with, at LEAST it's good to know her CCW license days are OVER because of this.


once again... screw the law abiding citizen

If she abided by the law...and common sense...she wouldn't be in the pickle now would she?

Also, how do we know she wasn't a "crazy" intent on some deadly pub? If my wife and kids are there for the tour at the top, I don't want some body carrying' heat up there...

...store it in a locker and pick it back up after the tour...geez
What if there was a crazy up there and she was not?? Would you be happy she had it then?? Crazies generally dont go get carry permits............... // Nuf sed

I repeat...I am pro-gun...so you can stop with the private owner protecting themselves and others stuff. I agree with that.

Think context for a minute....(Sears 'freakin' Tower, metal detectors, post 9/11)

...think some more....

...if you need to ...think some more.

I jes thot - how STUPID. Still do.

OK you win...I am against the Felony Charge mostly. I think she should face rammifications but not a felonyBut, they did not knock the twins towers over with a handgun.... They need a radar and surface to air missles to solve that problem, Jes sayin

As a CCW holder, I have ZERO sympathy for the dumb bitch. Anyone careless and STUPID enought o do that should NOT, I repeat NOT be able to own a firearm. If she is THAT stupid just having it - do you really expect her to have good judgement USING it???No matter what she is charged with, at LEAST it's good to know her CCW license days are OVER because of this.Dumbass.
I am a little less self ritious than that. I agree it was stupid tho
Man - I want to get into this soooooooooooo bad... but my warn-o-meter is at "0"...

I'm just glad the "right" to a trial by jury is still in tact... well - for the most part.

I guess I will not be visiting Chicago anytime soon. In Washington State, when you receive your CWP there is nothing given that explains where and where you cannot carry or how to find out about the laws in different states. Think we could get the NRA to produce a pamphlet that says which states recognize CWP's from other states and other pertinent info?

I will not hold my breath.

I obviously don't know her but because it was in her purse she may have simply forgotten that it was there. I carry a small pocket knife and don't even think about it. Had to go to court onces as a witness and had to pass through a metal detector. Luckily the knife was small enough and they didn't look close enough to pass it through with my keys, etc in the basket.

I do appreciate the severity of what she did and I have a few handguns but didn't even apply for ccw. Too much of a pain in the ass to carry a gun all the time. I am however going to be very pissed if I ever need one and don't have one with me.

This site gives a pretty good run down on carrying rules.


If she has taken the time to get a CWP, the least she could do is take some time to find out where she CAN carry. I agree that she is dumb enough that I don't want her having a gun near me, or my loved ones.

I hope that someday there will be a United States carry permit for normal citizens, but that day is a long way off.

Anytime I hear of crap like this, I have to wonder when the last time the person practiced with their gun was?

I'm pro gun, however walking into the Sears tower with a piece is just plain stupid!!!!!

I mean come on, it's one of the largest office buildings in the world, dominating the skyline of Chicago, a town where guns are restricted. IIRC, in Chicago proper you are not allowed to have anything firearms related. Everyone from that area knows this unless you live in a hole. Heck, I'm in Ohio and I know that (admittedly I do travel there and have friends there).

Also, I'm pretty sure I saw a No Firearms sign at the entrance when I was there about a 3 years ago. I may be thinking of a different bldg???

once again... screw the law abiding citizen

If she abided by the law...and common sense...she wouldn't be in the pickle now would she?

Also, how do we know she wasn't a "crazy" intent on some deadly pub? If my wife and kids are there for the tour at the top, I don't want some body carrying' heat up there...

...store it in a locker and pick it back up after the tour...geez
What if there was a crazy up there and she was not?? Would you be happy she had it then?? Crazies generally dont go get carry permits............... // Nuf sed
I agree with the dogman. Gun free zones are dangerous places. More guns, less crime. Put a sign on your front lawn that says,"This is a gun free zone" and see how long it takes to become a victim!

Yeah, the lady in question is a dumb ass.

I guess I will not be visiting Chicago anytime soon. In Washington State, when you receive your CWP there is nothing given that explains where and where you cannot carry or how to find out about the laws in different states. Think we could get the NRA to produce a pamphlet that says which states recognize CWP's from other states and other pertinent info?
I will not hold my breath.
No need to hold your breath, Rev, its right here
