Out the door '09's?

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Jun 3, 2009
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Hey gang,

Just curious if any '09 owners can chime in and give me an idea of what they paid out the door. I cant find any back stock '08 FJR's around here, and I'm trying to also not break the wallet.

Got the cash on hand, just waiting to sell my 650R to make room for the FJR, and was hoping to not walk out of the show room with every dollar spent (Wouldn't mind a Two Bros setup and a comfy seat)

I've been quoted $14100 out the door on a '09 stock.

Course if Im willing to travel 700 miles and ride it back, I could get a '08 for $12320 OTD but thats looking a bit out of the question.

Penny for you're thoughts? I suck at haggling.

Why is riding 700 miles to save that much "out of the question"? Sounds like a fun way to spend a weekend day and an excellent way to break-in a new engine!

Welcome to the forum. What part of the country are you posting from?


Why is riding 700 miles to save that much "out of the question"? Sounds like a fun way to spend a weekend day and an excellent way to break-in a new engine!
Welcome to the forum. What part of the country are you posting from?


Time off needed and isnt hwy mileage a bad way to break it in? I always thought that anyways?

Here's the breakdown on my deal:

2009 FJR1300A from Macomb Powersports in Chesterfield, MI on 4 March 09.

$13,189.00 included tax/title & $389 for Y.E.S. (bike=$10883.32 + 399 prep, +599 destination, +723 tax, +15 title, +389 Y.E.S.).

Break-in in the owner's manual states vary rpm's 1-1000 miles, no operation above 4k rpms 0-600 miles, nothing over 4500rpms 600-1000 miles. Expressway trip home would be fine so long as you "vary rpm's", imho.


isnt hwy mileage a bad way to break it in? I always thought that anyways?
Yes it is, through hills or twisty roads with varying engine loads and using the gearbox a lot is the best way.

Constant highway speeds with no load can glaze the bore.

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Just curious if any '09 owners can chime in and give me an idea of what they paid out the door.
I recommend NOT asking for out the door, as taxes will vary per state. I recommend asking for a little more detail (as extrememarine provided) so you can computer for yourself what your OTD price would be. Being from CA (ignoring CA emmissions issues) my OTD (or net depending on if dealer collected sales tax, or I paid directly at DMV when I got bike home) price would be higher than someone local due to higher sales tax rates and licensing fees (made even higher still recently thanks to liberals in Sacramento that a decade later still have no clue what fudiciary duty and responsible spending means, and have proven that with gerry-mandering you really can buy votes -anyway I digress).

Extramarines price of (10883.32 + 399 prep +599 destination) or real dealer price of $11,881.32 seems like a very aggressive price on a new '09. That is about $1,500 less than I was seeing in CA 2 months ago. As as been said in other posts - now is a great time to be a buyer.

My recommendation, shop around for an '09. Take the best price you get and go to your local shop and tell them they have to get close.

I was looking at a 1-2k mile ride home when I was looking around (did have the vacation time and flights were way cheap. I ended u pbuying locally, and going to spend the vacation time starting in one week on a 2-3k mile Lap of California). A 700 mile ride home is easily doable on hwy in 1 long day, though varying RPM etc and likelihood of travel time to dealer, purchasing paperwork, etc - a 2 day affair most likely. If there are interesting roads between the dealer and home, all the better.

Good Luck on whatever you decide

I just finished this same exercise (read my post about buying an 09). Best OTD price was $12,600 but that was before a $500 plane ticket and gas money to get back.

Most responses were between $13,100 - $13,700 OTD including Virginia taxes (3%).

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$12,499 before tax, dealer prep., etc. etc. in my area was about the best sales price. I just paid right at $14k out the door in Dallas.

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I recommend NOT asking for out the door, as taxes will vary per state. I recommend asking for a little more detail (as extrememarine provided) so you can computer for yourself what your OTD price would be. Being from CA (ignoring CA emmissions issues) my OTD (or net depending on if dealer collected sales tax, or I paid directly at DMV when I got bike home) price would be higher than someone local due to higher sales tax rates and licensing fees (made even higher still recently thanks to liberals in Sacramento that a decade later still have no clue what fudiciary duty and responsible spending means, and have proven that with gerry-mandering you really can buy votes -anyway I digress).
Amen on taxes and fees. I went to the CA DMV site and figured the fees on a $12,000 price for a 2009 FJR


Everyone is getting a piece of the action. "Motorcycle Cross Index:"?

Yep, one of the reasons I left my former home state in 1979!

Of course, it isn't all roses here in WA State either... a few years ago an Initiative passed the voters here which limited License Fees to $30.00. Of course the politicians couldn't let that stand, so they filed suit to get the Initiative overturned, but failed in that attempt.

So now, each year the fees creep up, Dollar by Dollar as they figure out another "fee" to add... the most recent is application of the Gross Weight Fee that was originally intended to fund the maintenance of the highway infrastructure by having large commercial trucks pay more in taxes because they do more damage to the roads. Beginning last year, all motorcycles now pay a Gross Weight Fee of $10.00 in addition to all the rest.

Thanks for the nicely presented chart, and welcome to the forum!


I ordered my bike in December and took delivery in March.

Sell price:$12,699.00

No dealer prep or freight

No DMV charges - I registered the vehicle.

7.5% NYS tax: $952.43

Total out the door: $13,651.43

I think he gave me this price, because he had the bike sold even before it hit his sales floor. Also, there was a $500.00 rebate from Yamaha at teh time.

Holy crap! I guess it's expensive to live in Nirvana... :rolleyes:

If I bought a new FJR here in New Hampshire, I'd pay:

State Registration Fee: $16

Municipal Permit Fee (equivalent to property tax): $216 (based on a millage rate of $18/k on $12,000)

Town Clerk Fee: $1

State safety Inspection $20

Total: $253

That's it. And the millage rate declines from 18/$k in the first year of ownership to $3/k in year 6 and thereafter.

Holy crap! I guess it's expensive to live in Nirvana... :rolleyes:
If I bought a new FJR here in New Hampshire, I'd pay:

State Registration Fee: $16

Municipal Permit Fee (equivalent to property tax): $216 (based on a millage rate of $18/k on $12,000)

Town Clerk Fee: $1

State safety Inspection $20

Total: $253

That's it. And the millage rate declines from 18/$k in the first year of ownership to $3/k in year 6 and thereafter.
Fred your pissing me off :angry: <just kiddin :D , but quit reminding me it hurts>

I lived in NH for 25 years and now i get screwed over in Mass. for everything. Sales tax just increased to 6.25%.

Dam, I should have stayed up there!

I don't know where you are at, but a buddy just picked up a new 08 for $11,400. That includes license, title, plus a tall windshield. There were three more on the showroom floor when he drove away. Of course, there is no sales tax here in Orygun.

Sales tax just increased to 6.25%.
I wish my tax was that cheap!

Here in the Seattle/Tacoma area of WA state, we pay 9.3% sales tax! And we have one of the highest gas taxes of any state. Our only saving grace is that we don't have a state income tax (yet), although them government types have been pushing for it for years.

Calibretto..........YOU are in the drivers seat...........figure out the price you want to pay. Stroll confidently into the sales managers office with a check made out for the amount you want. Hand it over.........and say "I want an FJR" thats what I will pay...........take it or leave it. Be prepared to walk out of a few dealers, assuming you have a few dealers. This throws THEM into a state of panic and confusion, while you relax at the coffee machine. Bought a couple cars that way..........it was fun............and it works. Don't worry about the small stuff..........just give them a OTD price and let them work it out........

$13,499 + 75 doc fee from Hanover Powersports.

I am picking it up saturday, but i'm going to haggle just a bit more and see if i can get em to throw in the heated grips :)
