I have a set of original bag liners from my '06 FJR available to whoever wants them. PayPal the shipping cost, and we'll call it even.
The bags are in perfect condition, except for a flaw in the outboard zipper on the left bag. A few teeth are misaligned, so the zipper hangs up and won't open. With a big road trip coming up, I didn't want to mess with getting the zipper replaced, so I ordered a new set of the updated 2013/2014 inner bags.
After my new bags arrived, I found a trick to opening the old/bad zipper. Instead of using the zipper-pull to unzip, just grab the center flap at the aft end and peel forward. It seems to unzip every time. I wish I had tried that before ordering the new bags. Yep, I'm a *******.
The new bags are pretty nice, so I'll keep them. Who wants the old ones?
The bags are in perfect condition, except for a flaw in the outboard zipper on the left bag. A few teeth are misaligned, so the zipper hangs up and won't open. With a big road trip coming up, I didn't want to mess with getting the zipper replaced, so I ordered a new set of the updated 2013/2014 inner bags.
After my new bags arrived, I found a trick to opening the old/bad zipper. Instead of using the zipper-pull to unzip, just grab the center flap at the aft end and peel forward. It seems to unzip every time. I wish I had tried that before ordering the new bags. Yep, I'm a *******.
The new bags are pretty nice, so I'll keep them. Who wants the old ones?