Picking up at D&H May 10 - couple questions...

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Houston, TX
I'm flying into Birmingham on May 10th and picking up my FJR. I hope to get in a few hundred miles on the 10th, and the rest of the way to Houston the 11th. Anyone else going to be there?

Questions: It looks like I'll have to ride home with no license plate - just a bill of sale in case I get pulled over. Anyone have any experience with this issue?

Second: I'd like to get a small to medium size magnetic tank bag for the trip. Something to keep odds and ends in and a map holder on top. Can anyone give a good recommendation? I'll have to move fast on this, and/or see what D&H might have in stock, or something I can pick up locally in Houston before I leave.


You should be able to get a "one trip permit", or some other similar type of temporary registration to get you home. D&H will most likely have it all taken care of for you, but I would call and ask them about it.

As for a small/medium temporary tankbag, somebody else will have to help on that.

You should be able to get a "one trip permit", or some other similar type of temporary registration to get you home. D&H will most likely have it all taken care of for you, but I would call and ask them about it.
As for a small/medium temporary tankbag, somebody else will have to help on that.
I've asked them that twice. They say they don't have any such thing.

I called D&H about a temp tag a couple of times. They told me that in Alabama they don't put temp tags on bikes cause you have 10 days to get it registered. They said that other states know this and "should" abide by it since the bike was bought in Alabama and they don't give temp tags. They told me that the paper work should be good enough if you get pulled over. I will find out on the 13th of May if it is true as I ride my new bike home.

I have a Tour Master Cortech super mini that works great for a small bag.

Got it from new enough for ~$50 ($54 today)

It comes with straps and rain cover as well.

Clear map window on top, access hole for power cord, more...

Their site has some nice pictures.

If you order today I am sure you will have it in time.

The State of TX allows 30 days to register or you will be fined 5% of tax owed. You should be fine with the Bill of Sale, and a Business card from the dealership. You could also probably get a local dealer to you to give you a TEMP TX TAG.


Well, "officially", all this "you will be fine" is pure crap.

And D&H's assertion is ridiculous - does anybody really think those with a badge keep up on other state's traffic laws? Bueller? Has anybody every seen the traffic code for their state? It's a freakin novel. Hard enough to know all that's in it, much less 49 other states. Plus, LEOs enforce their own state's laws, they don't abide by other state's laws.

Now traffic codes between states are very similiar, but there always differences. I am suprised Alabama doesn't do the one trip permit or temporary registration. That may be bull. *Most* if not all states require a some type of permit or registration on a vehicle bought new. If it's used, a properly executed title with bill of sale will be good for a short time. These laws do vary, but are generally similar.

Now, in the real world, it's a remote chance you will be stopped. And even if you are, with all the paperwork you have and a respectful attitude, it would be hard for me to imagine getting issued a ticket.

But if you are given a ticket, it's usually a cheap one, and a non-moving violation to boot, so doesn't go against your license or insurance.

You could also probably get a local dealer to you to give you a TEMP TX TAG.

No way that is happening. With the requirements that they need to submit for them to issue temporary registration, it would be fraud on their part. And they won't risk that.

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"And D&H's assertion is ridiculous - does anybody really think those with a badge keep up on other state's traffic laws? Bueller? Has anybody every seen the traffic code for their state? It's a freakin novel. Hard enough to know all that's in it, much less 49 other states."

I agree. However, I have talked to Florida's DMV and they will not give me a temp tag or anything without original purchase order, Title and Insurance. I told the lady at the DMV that I would be riding the bike from Alabama with no tag and she told me that as soon as I get back home to register the bike the first working day back. Other than paying the bike off through the mail and having original paperwork (Purchase Order, Title) sent to me through the mail, riding without a tag is the best I can do. Oh well, time will tell.


Really. Don't worry too much about it.

Remember what I said about the real world. Most likely won't get stopped, and even then, *most* LEOs are understanding and sympathetic that these laws are confusing, not well known, vary by state, and that dealers don't know or give bad info. So with a good attitude on your part, and all paperwork that you can possibly have, there shouldn't be a problem. They may give you a little ed-u-ma-cation on what you *should* have done, or what the law requires, but that's about it.

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I picked an 04 up from Cullman and rode it 800 miles back to Dallas with no tags. Not one look from law enforcement. You will have the new bike paperwork. As long as you are not doing anything wrong you will not be pulled over for the lack of tags.

I have a Tourmaster expandable Cortech magnetic bag which has been durable and a good value.

Me I say just ride it. I believe TX will sell a temp tag but I wouldn't worry about it. You are in for a real treat at D&H, they are the best dealership I have ever done buisness with. Jerald and Renaa are tops. Say Hi to Jerald and Renaa from Jim Fortner...

I highly recomend the Natchez Trace, great scenery the speed limit is 45mph and heavily enforced <sigh> Congrats on the new ride and have a good ride home..

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Wonder if you could print up your own temporary tag... just for the ride home. Get a black magic marker, and print some big block numbers for the date...

Wonder if you could print up your own temporary tag... just for the ride home. Get a black magic marker, and print some big block numbers for the date...

Yikes! :eek: Not a good ideal at all.

If caught, that will get you a very expensive criminal citation (NOT a warning or lecture) - something to the effect of displaying false registration, or committing fraud, ect........

And, it will piss off the LEO as you are now showing blatant intent to deceive, instead of just not knowing any better.

Depending on state laws, and LEO, could also earn you a trip to the pokey, and impoundment of your vehicle.

Do NOT do this.

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Well Jim,

You are just screwed according to SkooterG, might as well leave it there it is going to be too risky, and dont forget you better not speed either :D I am sure you would never do that. Or ever risk having your lic. pulled by exceeding 100MPH. :D :D :D


P.S. I will be glad to get that one, and you can get one from Tony, where they have Dealer Tags :)

OK here it is from the AL web site:

The dealers will be furnished a distinctive type tag. The dealers are only authorized to issue temporary tags to those persons who purchase a motor vehicle for titling and registration in another state. Each such dealer can only issue one temporary tag to the same individual for the same vehicle. This also applies to manufacturers and dealers in mobile homes who will have a third distinctive type motor vehicle tag to be issued only to vehicles which will be licensed out-of-state.

Here is the link read it yourself:


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Well Jim,

You are just screwed according to SkooterG, might as well leave it there it is going to be too risky, and dont forget you better not speed either :D I am sure you would never do that. Or ever risk having your lic. pulled by exceeding 100MPH. :D :D :D


P.S. I will be glad to get that one, and you can get one from Tony, where they have Dealer Tags :)
"Uhhhh, well officer, you see - I was going as fast as I could to get out of your lovely state before I got caught without a license plate..."

Thanks for all the advice. Everyone I have talked to is on the same page - as long as I have paperwork, should not have a problem.

There is a cycle gear not far from where I live, I'll check out the tank bags tomorrow.

BTW, one other thing I have thought about that could be quite an adventure. I'll be getting on a plane with a one-way ticket and a full face helmet :yahoo: Fortunately, I'm a "frequent flyer" and I've heard that helps to not get the full monte at the security check in!

The State of TX allows 30 days to register or you will be fined 5% of tax owed. You should be fine with the Bill of Sale, and a Business card from the dealership. You could also probably get a local dealer to you to give you a TEMP TX TAG.
+1. I rode mine to work and back (and around) for about 3 weeks (payday) before getting a tag. I just kept a copy of the BoS and the proof of insurance with me. Never a problem. Don't worry about a local dealer doing a temp tag. No need. If you're really concerned, print up something and laminate it to place on the tag holder [TEMP TAG] was what I had ready to use when I picked my '03 up from D&H. I just never bothered with it.


That should be fun, carrying a helmet getting on a plane. You can always say I saw this guy stunt flying before.

Before 911, I would always look into the cockpit to see who is flying the plane, and comment if we have to go down please hit some TX soil. God Bless TX.


I picked up an unsold FJR from D&H Friday the 21st when we went to the AMA superbike race. It was raining so we went up to Cullman to see the shop. She wouldn't take a credit card so paid cash on the spot. 12.96 She smiled and said that was the only way I could get it. Suprised the hell out of her when I pulled out the cash. Check out the pictures. Dang I can't figure out how to insert an image. I'll try to figure it out.

OK I think I got this figured out. Didn't have any problems getting it back to LA. Just kept my paperwork in case I had to prove ownership.

This is when we arrived.


This is my baby. I like the blue color. It was marked $12.96 and the others $19.96. Said it was marked at cost. They pulled the others off the shelve to correct the price. Just my luck all the FJR's were sold.


Went to Tony's in Texarkana last Friday. Had 4 FJR's on the floor ready for delivery.


Hey Jim,

I have a very small tank bag you can borrow if you don't find anything you like.

Here it is

I might actually be too small but you are more than welcome to use it if you need it.
