Plastic piece durability and Fix-A-Flat Questions

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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IBA #31100
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Here goes, I have an 06 fjr and I took the bags off and put the little plastic pieces in and now I really like riding with the bags off I may not ever put them back on but here comes the questions.. How do those plastic pieces hold up to being taken out and put on etc? With the bags on does the interior of them get hot, and i ask this because I have to carry medication that heat would destroy? Last but not least I just purchased one of the fix a flat for motorcycles and was wondering if that could be stored under the seat or would it get too hot under there? Thank you all for you patience and hopefully I'll get an answer or two. Everett

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Not sure about the plastic covers but as far as the heat is concerned in the bags, I wouldn't think it would be an issue. You could always throw a small thermometer in there on your next ride and check to see how warm it gets but because they are double walled I can't imagine it would be a problem. As far as the fix a flat is concerned, you may be better off getting yourself a tire plug kit and a small portable pump instead. I think that you will find it to be far more effective and less of a mess when it comes time to change the tires. Check here for how to modify an air pump.

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+1 on the Ax Dude. The covers are painted, prying them out constantly will eventually chip them. The bags are black and a dark color, be it blue or silvery, they absorb uv and do heat up-I have a insulated lunchbox kinda deal I keep my insulin in when traveling, this works for a day of riding with one of those re-freezable ice packs-but no more than a day, and if really hot/sunny it does get warm.

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