Post carpal tunnel physical therapy?

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Jun 11, 2005
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I had edoscopic carpal tunnel surgery done on RH in January, and LH in April. Doc recommended simple self-administered physical therapy after healing for a few weeks to help bring grip strength back. I've still got some discomfort in my LH when using clutch on my '05. Nothing major, but it makes shifting more of a chore. Other than not using the clutch :D does anyone have good or bad experiences with PT after carpal tunnel? Yeah, I know I should have looked into this long ago, but wonder now if it's too late. I took the '05 out today for the second time since surgery in April, so I'm not putting many miles (or smiles) on the bike and would like to do more.

I had edoscopic carpal tunnel surgery done on RH in January, and LH in April. Doc recommended simple self-administered physical therapy after healing for a few weeks to help bring grip strength back. I've still got some discomfort in my LH when using clutch on my '05. Nothing major, but it makes shifting more of a chore. Other than not using the clutch :D does anyone have good or bad experiences with PT after carpal tunnel? Yeah, I know I should have looked into this long ago, but wonder now if it's too late. I took the '05 out today for the second time since surgery in April, so I'm not putting many miles (or smiles) on the bike and would like to do more.
I think you are an ideal candidate for an AE.

While I don't suffer CTS myself, I am well aware of the problems it can pose since my son sufferers from this. (He is currently working towards a motorcycle license, he's already had clutch operation issues after a day's tuition.)

I nearly stopped riding because a joint in my left little finger would get extremely painful after a few clutch lever operations. It was only the timely arrival of the AE (FJR1300AS this side of the pond) that allowed me to continue motorcycling. After that, no issues.

So, seriously, if your right hand doesn't suffer as much (and I don't think using the brake gives nearly as much discomfort as repeated use of the clutch lever), I believe this will answer your problem.

I had 3 bones removed from my left wrist in January. It's sometimes painful but I'm not giving up riding. Lots of work and Ibuprohen has helped. It's getting better.

I also had CT surgery and it helped alot, but I still had numbness and dull aching from my right shoulder to my wrist. I found out through my chiroprator that my right shoulder is one big knot and was probably pinching my nerves going down my arm. I saw an ad in a tennis magazine about Active Release Technique. It's basically a deep tissue massage while doing certain movements with my right arm. When I started I had about 60% range of movement with my arm. After only 4 treatments I have 100% range of motion. It's not pleasant, it's painful, but the results are amazing.

I am a musician and my playing career nearly ended because of carpal tunnel. What has helped me the most over the years since, and this is just my opinion, is massage, stretching/warm-ups and acupuncture. Honest. Massage was what enabled me to play again regularly, normally in fact.

Each person is different, but things like massage are pretty easy to see if it works for you, and a lot less invasive.

I'm a Carpal Tunnel surgery "survivor" myself, having had both wrists/hands operated on about 15 yrs. ago... two months apart because my wife at the time refused to help me with my personal hygeine challenges.

In your OP, you didn't clearly state where the pain/discomfort is located. Are you feeling it in the heel of your palm, or elsewhere? I remember clearly that the palms of each hand were extremely sensitive to pressure of any kind for a couple of months after the surgery. I was lucky that the residual pain gradually went away with continued use of my hands. While I wasn't riding at the time, my job as a machinist/mechanic placed severe stress on both hands and caused some discomfort for about 6 months in total.

All these years later, though, I have been completely free of the numbness/tingling/pain in my hands that used to awaken me from a sound sleep each night. The inconvenience of the surgery and re-gaining of grip strength was minor in the overall scheme of things... Hang in there, it will get better!

If your surgeon does not find anything fundamentally wrong with your recovery process, I'd recommend that you begin working on grip strength by using some sort of squeeze exerciser. I used balls of different density to squeeze and release repetitively during the day when I had a moment. The improvement was quite quick and remarkable... A friend gave me a pair of spring type grip exercisers, but they were too stiff for initial use. Later, they were perfect, but not for openers.

Good luck with your recuperation!


I'm a Carpal Tunnel surgery "survivor" myself, having had both wrists/hands operated on about 15 yrs. ago... two months apart because my wife at the time refused to help me with my personal hygeine challenges.
In your OP, you didn't clearly state where the pain/discomfort is located. Are you feeling it in the heel of your palm, or elsewhere? I remember clearly that the palms of each hand were extremely sensitive to pressure of any kind for a couple of months after the surgery. I was lucky that the residual pain gradually went away with continued use of my hands. While I wasn't riding at the time, my job as a machinist/mechanic placed severe stress on both hands and caused some discomfort for about 6 months in total.

All these years later, though, I have been completely free of the numbness/tingling/pain in my hands that used to awaken me from a sound sleep each night. The inconvenience of the surgery and re-gaining of grip strength was minor in the overall scheme of things... Hang in there, it will get better!

If your surgeon does not find anything fundamentally wrong with your recovery process, I'd recommend that you begin working on grip strength by using some sort of squeeze exerciser. I used balls of different density to squeeze and release repetitively during the day when I had a moment. The improvement was quite quick and remarkable... A friend gave me a pair of spring type grip exercisers, but they were too stiff for initial use. Later, they were perfect, but not for openers.

Good luck with your recuperation!

Everyone, thanks for the suggestions and comments! Don, I have discomfort only in my fingers using the clutch, not in the palm. The palm area is still sensitive to pressure and being bumped, even after almost nine months on my RH, but it's mainly discomfort in the fingers that limits how long I can use a clutch. I too had almost immediate relief from the pain and discomfort in my forearms and hands after surgery. In both cases, the numbness in my middle finger and index finger was gone three or four days after surgery. That numbness and pain also kept me awake at night before the surgery. I too can live with a reduction in grip strength, but want to get as much back as I can. I've tried several densities of balls, and that has helped some. I have a spring type grip and finger strengthening device used by competetive shooters that has helped some too, and I may go to the type you suggest later. With the FJR, I can make do with brake and clutch, but with my older XS-2 650, the clutch is about twice the pull and it nearly kills me after an hour around town.

All in all, it's great not to have killed the nerves, and I'd do the surgery again, but maybe be more aggessive with PT afterwards had I to do it over again. Thanks to all for the helpful comments.

I had edoscopic carpal tunnel surgery done on RH in January, and LH in April. Doc recommended simple self-administered physical therapy after healing for a few weeks to help bring grip strength back. I've still got some discomfort in my LH when using clutch on my '05. Nothing major, but it makes shifting more of a chore. Other than not using the clutch :D does anyone have good or bad experiences with PT after carpal tunnel? Yeah, I know I should have looked into this long ago, but wonder now if it's too late. I took the '05 out today for the second time since surgery in April, so I'm not putting many miles (or smiles) on the bike and would like to do more.
Hi there!

Well, I’ve been down that road too. I had endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery on both hands at the same time in February 07; I did both because I didn’t want to be off my bike any longer than necessary. I am a firm believer in physical therapy. I was back on my FJR in 8 weeks but I could have ridden just fine after only 6. I had no problem at all with the clutch or brake. At each visit to the physical therapist, I was given exercises to do at home, which I did religiously. I was very motivated to do anything that would get me back on my bike. There are some good web sites out there too for post surgery exercises. The exercises and the physical therapy helped me get my flexibility and strength back quickly. It's never too late.

Take care and good luck!


I had the right hand done in 97. It is a slow healing process. Mine was the ole fashoned cut your palm open like a fish procedure. Today I have no issues at all well worth it IMHO.

Paging Mr. Grumpy to the OR...

I think Grumpy has had it done twice. His mama told him he was definitely going blind.

He needs to chime in here.

If your still having issues, go back to the doctor and maybe they will put you into PT for a little while. I had the same surgery as you last year on my right hand, I didn't have any PT afterwards but they told me if I still had issues to come back and they would send me for some.

Post surgery, if I haven't rode my bike for awhile it bothers me the first few times I ride. After a few days of riding it seems to subside. Might just need to do more riding! ;)


Paging Mr. Grumpy to the OR...
I think Grumpy has had it done twice. His mama told him he was definitely going blind.

He needs to chime in here.
That's a different condition. Called CMS (Carpal Masturbation Syndrome).

Paging Mr. Grumpy to the OR...
I think Grumpy has had it done twice. His mama told him he was definitely going blind.

He needs to chime in here.
Had the left done in Feb of last year and then the right in October. The doc did the cut from outside vs. the endoscopy that you had. I had the stiches in for 10 days and then he said I could do anything that I felt like I could do. The palms are still a bit tender and I'd say that there are still times when I notice that I can't grip things as tightly as I used to be able to. The clutch was a small problem for several months after the operation, but not now. Hope this helps.


I had edoscopic carpal tunnel surgery done on RH in January, and LH in April. Doc recommended simple self-administered physical therapy after healing for a few weeks to help bring grip strength back. I've still got some discomfort in my LH when using clutch on my '05. Nothing major, but it makes shifting more of a chore. Other than not using the clutch :D does anyone have good or bad experiences with PT after carpal tunnel? Yeah, I know I should have looked into this long ago, but wonder now if it's too late. I took the '05 out today for the second time since surgery in April, so I'm not putting many miles (or smiles) on the bike and would like to do more.
I had carpal surgery, in both hands, a few years ago ,,, hands would go numb every time I rode my CBR ,,,, plus I was losing my grip ,, dropping stuff , etc.

Had the surgery ,, took a while to recover,,, but every thing got better,,,,

I still don't have the grip that I once had ,,, and sometimes I get a little numbness in my right hand when I ride the FJR... But it still better than it was..

I'm getting older and there is a lot of things I can't do as good or as often as I use to ,,, but the surgery did help me,,

Paging Mr. Grumpy to the OR...
I think Grumpy has had it done twice. His mama told him he was definitely going blind.

He needs to chime in here.
That's a different condition. Called CMS (Carpal Masturbation Syndrome).
Naw, that's a young man's condition. I've reached "the last roll of caps" age. You maybe too young to remember cap pistols, but I'm sure as hell not! When you had done your chores and gotten a nickle ahead, you'd buy a box that contained a number of rolls of caps. Right after you got the new box you'd run thru roll after roll of caps,,,,,thereby having a grand time. However as you got closer to the last roll of caps you were a bit more careful about firing off a shot.........and when you finally had to put the last roll in you'd absolutely refuse to "waste" a shot. That's where I find myself today.......if I'm going to squeeze one off, it's damned sure gonna count for something! I hope this clearifies any misconceptions you may have had!!!!!


I think I feel ill... :confusedsmiley:

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Keep riding and heal up Tim! 8 months until SFO 09!!! :D
Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions all......several of you have the same experience I've had. I'll see about PT and report back. Hoping to make SFO this time fjrchik!
