Unfortunately not. My firmware is old enough to require a special "Box" that I will have to use once, then the new firmware allows all usb firmware updating. See page 2It's the same USB cable that comes with many phones and cameras, so you may already have one.
I am going to call DJ on Monday and ask them the difference in the firmware, I just downloaded the new PC3 software and it has a bunch of new features, accelerator pump, cylinder trim and a few others, I want to use the AC pump feature for sure, so I need to know if my old firmware supports the new features, if not looks like a $50 one-time-use cable is in my future so I can update it. Once updated above it can be upgraded in the future via the usb cable. The current firmware version is 2.3.2 and mine is, so its old for sure, probably from 2005 when the PC3 was installed by the previous owner.Wow, didn't even realize such was necessary. I've never done a firmware update, so I don't know if such is the case with mine, it might be. All I've done is load maps and calibrate the throttle. For which, of course, the USB cable is all you need.
Is there something you need that isn't in your firmware, or are you just trying to make sure it's the latest and greatest?
Keep up with the miles per tank. You will see a 5-10% drop.I got out for a nice ride today and while I can't be positive of the changes with the ACP feature I will say that throttle roll-on was smoother and a bit more powerful. I do have it set at a pretty low setting though. Throttle twist rate at 75%, percentage of added fuel 8% and revolutions at 15. Did not notice any perceptible fuel mileage drop, but i must admit unless on a long ride I usually don't pay attention to that. Just an FYI for those who are interested.
You are probably right, certainly with the warmer weather. I will play around with it a bit more. I have a separate map for cross country trips so when using that map I will for sure disable it.Keep up with the miles per tank. You will see a 5-10% drop.I got out for a nice ride today and while I can't be positive of the changes with the ACP feature I will say that throttle roll-on was smoother and a bit more powerful. I do have it set at a pretty low setting though. Throttle twist rate at 75%, percentage of added fuel 8% and revolutions at 15. Did not notice any perceptible fuel mileage drop, but i must admit unless on a long ride I usually don't pay attention to that. Just an FYI for those who are interested.
As the weather warms up I'm also betting any noticeable improvement you see now in throttle response will go away. This time of year you could hook an extra 1/4" fuel line into each cylinder without being too lean.
Do yourself a favor and mark your calendar to purposely disable the AP feature of the PC-III in the Spring. Then try to honestly evaluate if it's really doing anything for you that remotely warrants the year-round operational costs. You may forget you have the AP feature enabled, but your wallet sure won't.
I've had the benefit of running my two FJRs back to back, with a much lighter rider on the 06 with AP enabled, versus the 07 with AP disabled. The 06 never had anything for me. In fact, mostly because it was summer weather, the 06 rider complained that the bike felt "rich" exiting corners. He had no prior knowledge of the AP feature setting. I disabled it on the road side that day.