Powerlet Problem

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Ludington, Michigan
Hi all,

I had some problems installing the Duel rear powerlet electrical sockets on my 2006 FJR 1300AE. Be careful so that 20 minute predicted time doesn't become all day llke it did for me. Find enclosed the letter I sent the company describing my problems and some suggested solutions.

Dear Powerlet

I wanted to write and let you know that the duel powerlet for a 2006 Yamaha FJR1300ae kit and instructions need some changes. The installation require the addition of removing the left panel in front of the key area. and the loosening of the inner panel that holds the brake fluid filler. Without doing so, the white connectors will not fit down to the area they need to be in order to connect to the powerelet plugs. It is indeed imperative that both the bracket connections on the key lock not be loosed at once as the key body will become loose and near impossible to attach too. Loosing either of these keys is impossible with out the security bit to remove them. Most stores don't carry these. The supplied bolt to secure one side of the key lock is the wrong size and thus temps one to remove both nuts to place the brackets. This as you point out in the instructions is a very bad move as it is near impossible to reattach both security screws because the key set disappears into its housing. How do I know all this? Because I just spent 4hrs with my handy man son-n-law trying to install the powerelets on Easter Sunday afternoon much to the chagrin of my wife and daughter. Suggestions:

Please clarify the instructions on panel removal or other options. Please please!!! supply the proper size screw to help in removing only one screw at a time from the key set for the mounting bracket. Please include a security bit so that customers will have it available to use and/or clarify that it is a special security bit that is required for removal of the lock screws used to mount the bracket. Another idea that we resorted to in the absence of the proper size bolt to hold the lock set in place was to trim off the angles of the mounting plate by the mounting holes so that it could be positioned in-place one screw at a time and rotated into place for the second screw removal and bracket fixation. In other words remove screw B mount one side of plate, secure that side, remove screw c rotate bracket into position and replace screw c, then tighten both screws.; You guys can probably figure out an even better way. All I know is the 20 minute job you quoted is impossible especially with the wrong size parts and no security screw removal bit. If it wasn't for my son-in-laws ingenuity I would never have gotten the job done. Please save your other customers from the agony I just went thorough this afternoon. Scott
