Pretty cool, but sorta big brother-ish

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
My wife got a letter from DMV today. It told her that there has been such an increase in motorcycle fatalities in Oregon, that the Governor put together a council of some type to look into why. The letter said that as a result of the council study, the majority of single vehicle motorcycle fatalities were of riders that did not have a motorcycle endorsement. It then told her that she should consider taking an MSF course and obtain her endorsement.

I thought to myself that was pretty cool, DMV and the Governor were encouraging my wife to start riding and to get an endorsement. Then I remembered, my FJR is registered and titled to my wife, but she does not ride (except as a passenger). The big brother part was when the letter explained that "a search of Oregon DMV records indicate you own a motorcycle, but do not have an endorsement."

It was a cooler letter when I thought they were trying to get her to ride.....

Hmmmm, she is the legal owner, you are the rider. THAT puts a whole new meaning to the term, "Yes Dear!" :dribble:

Would you take out the garbage?....Yes dear.

Would you please mow the yards?...Yes dear.

Would you change the cannel from the football game to the movie?...Yes dear.

I know you were going for a ride, but my parents are coming so would you stay home?...Yes dear.

You've been riding for 2 weekends. Don't you think its time you stayed home and went to the mall with me? Yes dear.

ad infinitum, ad nauseum :huh: :rolleyessmileyanim: :rofl:

Actually, that's a pretty cool letter and a great way to suggest to owners that they SHOULD get a motorcycle license/some training. You might have her respond to them with the information that though she is the registered owner, you are the pilot. I'm sure there are others in the same position (ooohh, that could be a double entendre). It might put them at ease knowing that your family is not a habitual lawbreaker.

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Hmmmm, she is the legal owner, you are the rider.
Actually, that's a pretty cool letter and a great way to suggest to owners that they SHOULD get a motorcycle license/some training. You might have her respond to them with the information that though she is the registered owner, you are the pilot. I'm sure there are others in the same position (ooohh, that could be a double entendre). It might put them at ease knowing that your family is not a habitual lawbreaker.
The letter actually says at the end, "If you are the owner, but another family member is the primary user, please pass the information along to them."

I guess they didn't realize that I live here too cuz my license has my precinct address instead of my home address. Maybe their big brother computers just aren't up to the task of comparing multiple databases yet.

Now, so that the thread can take on the natural progression of being hijacked into something completely different, I'll explain the vehicle ownership policy in our house. When I started my early stages of a mid-life crisis, I told her I needed something to ride, so it'd either be a motorcycle or a girlfriend. She opted for the motorcycle and insisted she own it so if I made the mistake of leaving her, she'd keep the bike!

But in all honestly, we started doing that years ago. It used to be we were joint owners on all our vehicles (you know, what's mine is hers and what's hers is hers type thing). That changed when I got tired of her getting her speeding tickets mailed to our house. In Oregon, if a vehicle is jointly owned, it is jointly registered. There is no way around it. So, we divvied up our vehicles. She now owns the vehicles I drive, and I own the vehicles she drives. Now, when she's in my vehicle and gets a photo radar ticket, it gets immediately dismissed and not even sent because, clearly, I am not the one driving. My wife's a hottie, I'm not.

However, after going through all that, she tells me she's never been tagged since we changed ownerships. Being a mom has slowed her driving down quite a bit, but before that, look out! Queen of the lead foots!

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I actually think that's pretty cool.

I would even welcome a letter to folks who own, but don't have an endorsement to remind them what the penalties are for riding w/o said endorsement.

I know *most* of the Squids around here don't have the full endorsement, they ran in, took the written test, got temps and that's all they'll ever have.


A likely story there, pony. But regardless of how the story is told, she owns your nads. So keep walking that line before she takes your keys.

I would even welcome a letter to folks who own, but don't have an endorsement to remind them what the penalties are for riding w/o said endorsement.
The letter had that too!

A likely story there, pony. But regardless of how the story is told, she owns your nads. So keep walking that line before she takes your keys.
Oh, it's true! No denying that! As Bob Saget once said, back when he was actually funny, "I love my wife, and you can too for just $12" Ok, the second part isn't true, but the first part is.

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