bruin, I'd stopped and gave the bikes a cursory look-over, the day before calling about them. Both of them looked like they'd been setting uncovered in a warehouse for several months, covered in dust, and just generally looking grungy. I thought that was strange, but didn't think too much about it. I called that later that afternoon, haggled a bit with the sales rep, and got a price I was happy with.
When I got there the next morning, one of the bikes had been sold, and "mine" was setting there, just a dusty as it had been the day before. I'm thinking, "They're making a sale and haven't even bothered to wipe the bike down! What's up with that!"
Both bags were scuffed, probably could have been buffed out, and asked the sales rep if there was a mechanic in who could give it a shot, Nope, no mechanics or "floor" people available. Then I saw a serious 4-inch scratch in the windscreen, thanked the sales rep for his time, and left.
Fuel gage flashing E, scuffs, scratch in windshield, and un-prepped/dirty bike made it easy for me to say no.
In hindsight, I probably could have niggled them down some more on the price, but my intuition said walk.
There will be a cleaner, low-mileage '15 ES show up on one of the forums eventually