Push starting the FJR1300 this morning :)

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Eric L

Not that kind of a doctor
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Boyds, MD
I had to go back in the house for a phone call and left the driving lights on for an hour. Wife says 'say... are those lights supposed to be on'? WTF?

Starter half heartedly attempted to turned over. So I turned it around at the top of the driveway, gave it a big shove, popped the clutch in first (ouch) and she started up fine.

Now I've driven the 25 miles to work. Hope the damn thing starts tonight or I am going to need another push.

25 miles probably equals a 35 minute drive?? Certainly not enough time to completely recharge a dead battery, BUT an 8-10 hour "sit" will probably give the battery some recovery time. It IS only a few months old, right? But before the day ends, survey your co-workers for someone with battery cables. :D

I haven't had to push-start anything in about 20 years, but the last time I did, I found that 2nd gear was a bit better than first. First seemed to cause a bit of a lurch, but it worked. This was on a Nighthawk 700. Here's hoping you won't have to do it again to get home!

I haven't had to push-start anything in about 20 years, but the last time I did, I found that 2nd gear was a bit better than first. First seemed to cause a bit of a lurch, but it worked. This was on a Nighthawk 700. Here's hoping you won't have to do it again to get home!

I too recall the Nighthawk 700 S being push started, bump started, and even drag started so many times. The drag start was simply holding on to my buddies backrest and getting pulled up to about 10 mph. 2nd gear was way better to avoid the "nuts on the tank" reaction. I didn't the money for a battery, but had the money for fuel back then.

25 miles probably equals a 35 minute drive??...
If Eric is heading into Washington that 25 miles could be 1.5 hrs.

The good news is that the battery wasn't totally discharged. If it tried to turn over then there was at least 8 volts remaining which is a whole world better than <3 volts. The battery should recover pretty well.

As mentioned, 2nd gear is a better gear for push starting.

It's been a few years since I last push started my FJR.

If 'Howie were to leave the key on and run down the battery, where would he find a hill?

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I had to do that once. It was on flat ground. Luckily there were two of us and we both left the key on while we got distracted by a cold beer. We took turns pushing each others bike to get them started. We only rode around the block and shut them down and they had enough juice to start later in the day.

Who ever designed the 'parking light' function on the Gen 3's needs to be fired.

I've done it twice already.

You lock your forks and walk away, without realizing you went one key notch to far and the parking lights are on...

... stupid.

None of this helped by the simple fact of fitting a ridiculously small battery in the first place.

Sheesh! 12 AmpHour? Really ... My last bike had a 20 AH battery ... much more reasonable :)

Who ever designed the 'parking light' function on the Gen 3's needs to be fired...You lock your forks and walk away, without realizing you went one key notch to far and the parking lights are on...
Ya know, I'd bet a fart smeller would be able to hook up an interlock on that thing so you would have to deliberately switch on the parking lights and would be unable to accidentally turn them on with just the key.

If someone were to supply me with a Gen III FSM I bet I could figure it out...

Since it seems to semi relates to the op's topic, I just wanted to add that I too push started my nighthawk 700s many times and found second gear worked best. My legs are so long I could jus sit on the bike and move my feet three or four steps and POW - off we go!

Man, I miss that bike

Since it seems to semi relates to the op's topic, I just wanted to add that I too push started my nighthawk 700s many times and found second gear worked best. My legs are so long I could jus sit on the bike and move my feet three or four steps and POW - off we go!
Man, I miss that bike
Me too...

But glad it fired up for the OP! It would suck after working all day to have to do the bump-start, and on a shiny new '14 to boot!

I use forth..the higher the gear, the easier it is for the wheel to turn the engine..spins it faster too...
