Question about Wally Kilburg's Smoothness Map

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Sep 16, 2007
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I recently bought a 2006 FJR 1300, and with the exception of a few well-documented weakness and flaws (windshield, saddle, rear shock) it is the best motorcycle I've ever owned (in over 40 years of riding). Perhaps the most troubling flaw has been the dreaded "throttle snatch." The bike had a G2 and grip puppies when I bought it, and I think the TBS was done with the 8,000 service (I'm trying to confirm that with the P.O.) So I installed a Power Commander last weekend, and while it clearly helped, the problem is still not entirely resolved.

So now I'd like to try Wally's Smoothness Ma in the PCIII. I've read through the FJR Forum, and, and I can't find the answer to the obvious question - the map appears to have been developed in 2004 with and for Gen I bikes, but is it also suitable for the Gen II bikes, or is there a different version for them, or neither? I don't really care about increasing the performance of the bike, or about gas mileage - I just want to get rid of the throttle snatch. Is Wally's map the best choice for that purpose, is his partner Bill's a better choice, or does anyone have another suggestion?

I'd really appreciate some advice.



2006 FJR1300A

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I am running the Wally Smoothness map on my 07, also with the G2 throttle. Only other changes are K&N filter and Leo VInce cans. ANyhow, I no longer notice any throttle sensitivity or snatching. Reading previous threads, it appears that the mapo has been updated for 06-07 models. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I'd find the link for you in Sarch, but DSL is out today and it's really slow on dial up.

The nice thing about the PCIII is that it's fairly easy to try a map for a while, then change to another if you don't like it. I've noticed that some people have reported that Wally's smoothness map runs too rich on their Gen II bikes. I think this is probably due to a difference in the stock ECU between Gen I and Gen II bikes. My mathematically converted smoothness map is is generally leaner than Wally's map, but not too far off from the basic map provided by DynoJet for Gen II bikes. This makes me think I might have done something right with my conversion. I'm using that map now and it seems good. I hope to have some time later this week to do some back-to-back comparsisons between the "zero" map (completely stock), the standard map from DynoJet, Wally's map and my calculated smoothness map.

It would be nice if we could get Wally to comment on this; does anyone know Wally?

The Wally Map was originally made for Gen 1 bikes, problems with it when used on a Gen 2 bike may be attributed to this, I don't really know. Answers may be found Here, in the original source. As a rule, it does run richer in all applications, this is a part of how and why it improves general ridability ;)

So now I'd like to try Wally's Smoothness Ma in the PCIII. I've read through the FJR Forum, and, and I can't find the answer to the obvious question - the map appears to have been developed in 2004 with and for Gen I bikes, but is it also suitable for the Gen II bikes, or is there a different version for them, or neither? I don't really care about increasing the performance of the bike, or about gas mileage - I just want to get rid of the throttle snatch. Is Wally's map the best choice for that purpose, is his partner Bill's a better choice, or does anyone have another suggestion?
I'd really appreciate some advice.
Someone adapted the Wally map to the Gen II bikes and posted a link to the revised map. Also, someone came up with a hybrid that works well.

Try here:;hl=wally++revs


Someone adapted the Wally map to the Gen II bikes and posted a link to the revised map. Also, someone came up with a hybrid that works well.
Try here:;hl=wally++revs

That map itself is not really "adapted" for Gen II; the file format and/or map resolution was merely updated to be compatible with the PCIII for Gen II bikes. You can verify this with the power commander software's "map compare" feature to compare the original Wally's map with the "adapted" map. I discuss this in further detail and attempt to create a properly adapted version of the map here.

I just posted this in the thread that I started:

I just got off the phone with DynoJet tech support. They verified that my method of converting the smoothness map for use on Gen II bikes is correct. So, once again, here is the smoothness map properly adjusted for Gen II FJRs (it may not be perfect, but it should be closer than using the original map).These were not actually based on Wally's map, but his business partner Bill's map that was tuned for a stock bike (but with the same goals). Wally's map was tuned for a bike with aftermarket exhaust. If anyone has been running Wally's map on their Gen II bike, I (and probably others) would be interested on your feedback after trying this map.
Chris,have you checked the play in your throttle cables?

You take slack out with an adjustment right on the cables at the throttle.

There is also a cable adjustment down where it hooks up to the throttle bodies.

If you can take up any slack it will help the snatching.
