Question For The Barenders Lock Users

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I'm considering the purchase of a set of Barenders Helmet Locks for my FJR. I have one concern that I thought you folks may be able to shed some light upon. The Barenders appear to use a cylinder (barrel) type lock that was common on Kryptonite brand locks. As I'm sure many of you know, this type of lock has been shown to be, well, not that secure at the hands of a shady character armed with a ball-point pen tube. I have two Kryptonite brand locks that I recently shipped back to the company as part of the free replacement program.

My question is simple; does anyone with the Barenders Helmet Locks know if the actual lock mechanism is susceptible to picking in the same fashion as the old cylinder (barrel) locks found on the Kryptonite locks?

I'd hate to drop the cash for two Barenders only to find that my new helmet locks can be foiled with a ball-point pen tube.


Sorry, I don't use bar-enders. I'd say that the lock type probably doesn't matter, you're not trying to keep a determined thief or vandal, they'll just cut the strap.

Also, the specific problem with Kryptonite wasn't barrel locks in general but it was due to the outsourceing that Kryptonite did to a cheaper lock. For example, earlier Kryptonite locks didn't have that problem.

I have Barenders, but I don't know the answer to your question. And I really don't want to jab a pen in my lock just to find out. As stated above, it is not all barrel type locks.
