Racing Garbage Truck

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
racing garbage truck

This is a classic case of a good law being used in a bad way. Last year we had several bad accidents on the highway involving young people racing their suped up Hondas and Acuras. So in a knee-jerk reaction Ontario came out with an anti racing law. The intent of the legislature is just that, to stop people from racing their vehicles on busy public roads and causing accidents. But instead, the police are applying it to any speeders. In this case the guy was going fast, but he was not racing. I think he should have been given a large fine but not had this law applied to him. Just like if I'm out on some deserted road with nobody around and I go 50 over, I'm not racing or endangering anyone but myself. All bike riders in Ontario.....BEWARE.

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Opened this topic thinking it'd be the announcement of a new NASCAR-like race. Just think of how many sponsors could slap their names on the side of a garbage truck. Extra points would be given for each guy making it through a lap while hanging on the back.

Dang.Opened this topic thinking it'd be the announcement of a new NASCAR-like race. Just think of how many sponsors could slap their names on the side of a garbage truck. Extra points would be given for each guy making it through a lap while hanging on the back.
And extra points for not spilling any garbage.

racing garbage truckJust like if I'm out on some deserted road with nobody around and I go 50 over, I'm not racing or endangering anyone but myself.
This is exactly why I'm signed up for the legal assistance program at work. A good lawyer will point out that if you're all by yourself, you're not racing anyone. Not only has my lawyer gotten me out of both tickets, I'd much druther the money go into his pocket than the State of Florida's.

Oh yeah, and I love how the article quotes the speed as 112kph to sound scarier than only doing 70mph.

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Oh yeah, and I love how the article quotes the speed as 112kph to sound scarier than only doing 70mph.
Since Canada's metric and that was his speed, I'm not sure there was anything ulterior in the quote.

But yeah, who was he racing? This is just speeding.

Yup, just another prime example of goverments creating nanny-states. Eventually they will tell you what to eat, where to live, who to hang out with and so on. (I'm not of the tin-hat group, but it sure seems like all this is just down the road)

I agree, if there isn't another car/truck/bike involved, it's not racing, It's just hauling the mail.

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