Rack/Backrest recommendation

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Salem, OR
I pickup my new 07 tomorrow. I've been getting a head start on the first upgrades. My eyes are bleeding from reading so much the last few days ...and yes, I have used the search feature right up to the point where it started smoking :)

I think I have read so much I have confused myself. I've read about the various racks, viewed pictures, seen backrest options, Givi trunk options vs. Yamaha's, blah blah blah.

What I will be doing is riding the FJR myself 85%+ of the time. Probably 2-up with my wife or son 15% of the time. Probably at least 1-2 week long trips solo per year and perhaps (2) multi-day trips with my wife or son a year. A backrest is one requirement for 2-up riding. The other is a rack that supports both a backrest and a Givi trunk, although I don't plan on getting a trunk right away and would only use it on trips. For daily riding, commuting, etc. I plan to use a Nelson-Riggs tail bag I already have. I may even be interested in using one of my existing T-bags for trips vice the Givi since I won't be using that often. I have a lot of gear already from existing bikes, etc. I would like to try and use vice spending a bunch of money on yet new stuff. I want a decent size rack but nothign that looks out of place for everyday riding, etc., blends in with bike and supports the givi mounts and also a backrest.

What is the best setup for my needs?

Can't wait to pick her up ...the Harley and Busa are going to pee on my garage floor when I bring the FJR home :)

Isn't the FJR basically the offspring of a Harley and a Busa? I might regret that. :eek:


Congrats on your new baby! Must seem like Christmas in April. It sure seems that way around here. 6-12 inches of snow before morning and another MAJOR storm coming in for Monday.

As I recall from last summer, I really like my Givi V46. I use it most of the time and ride 2 up most of the time. It's a necessity on long trips and makes a good backrest for pillion. I also have a Sargent seat and backrest. I pack the backrest for really long rides so when we get there we can leave the Givi in the motel room and pop the backrest on for daytrips. It packs nicely in the bottom of the Givi.

I have the Givi mounting bracket on my 05. A better looking solution might be the racks offered by OHFJR or Garauld on this forum.

Tophog, welcome to the asylum. Trust me, the more you hang out here, the more it will lighten your wallet :D

I went with the FJR Top Box Rack from Duane (OHFJR) at Premier Cycle Accessories. Duane is a member here and a really nice guy.

I got the Givi E250 universal mounting plate and the V46 case from University Motors


Not sure if this setup allows for a separate back rest, but Givi makes a back rest cushion that can be mounted on the front of the case.

Thanks for the info everyone. I've been in contact with OHFJR as I was on his site 50 times last night looking at the various options. I definately like the setup you have Gary ...think I found your bike in some of the posts I came across. The Givi V46 box looks really nice but I know I would only use it on trips as I like a 'naked' bike for the most part when riding around locally...and that would be saddlebags off and just a rack in the rear that I could put a backrest on if my son or wife wanted to ride ...with the option of going with the Givi box for trips. Put a box on any bike and I automatically think of the "GoldWing" look not that I have anything against GoldWings :) The Givi box on the FJR is a sweet setup though...for a topbox.

I like how the Givi rack is made in the shape of the Givi mount..very clean looking. Backrests are expensive regardless of the brand, bike, etc. I know from having Corbin backrests for my harley and Busa ...I just have a hard time spending the money on a backrest that I would use very little thinking I might be better off to hold off until I see if the OEM seat is going to cut the mustard, otherwise I may be better off buying a custom seat/backrest combo. I'm sure it's the same for every biker ...always in the perdiciment where you want to get something that works for any scenario :) I think it's called chasing a rainbow ...

You may want to consider a setup from Garauld from this site. Gary does some most excellent fab work that can be custom to your need's His rep. is outstanding for quality and a great guy to deal with, as all on this board can vouch for!
