Radar detector question

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Hi all.

For those that have mounted radar detectors, can you actually hear them OK without ear peices?

I have a battery operated Escort Solo S2 that I use and like for the car and am looking at bike mounts. I like the Skyways brake resevoir mount but I'm also thinking about Cycle Gadget's windshield mount as the RD would be in my line of sight if I can't hear it.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi all.For those that have mounted radar detectors, can you actually hear them OK without ear peices?
No....not unless I'm going only 50 mph...and then I would tend to not need a radar detector. I have a Starcom that mixes the signal from the radar detector with GPS and runs through a set of Etymotic ER-6 earplugs.

No way I could hear my detector without my Starcom. H.A.R.D. or Radar Screamer could work, no experience with either of them tho.

I'm with Iggy and Silent. The only way I can hear my V1 is through my Etymotics. I actually got a ticket on an SS1000 ride when my V1 was screaming away at me, and I didn't see it in my peripheral vision until I saw the LEO crossing the Highway median with his lights on.... After that, I have always had the audio piped into my Mixit2... the earliest warnings are the ones that are sporadic, and the ones you're most likely to miss unless you get the audible tones to make you pay attention.

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Jl, since I really don't like to use ear sensing devices that much, I like to use the Marc Parnes "Visual Alert" which when mounted anywhere in your peripheral vision you will know if your RD is going off. One thing I like about this product is as it becomes night you can turn the volume down on the RD and the bightness will go down on the Visual Alert. And unlike the H.A.R.D. unit the VA doesn't have to run on batteries. And Marc is a great guy to work with by the way. So everyone's tastes are different and what works for you so good luck in your search. PM. <>< ;)

Visual Alert

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Thanks for the feedback folks.

I had hoped to not have to use ear peices, I enjoy the "freedom and solitude" of riding in the wind!

I liked the Visual Alert idea, unfortunately it doesn't work with the Solo. Maybe I have to get a V1.

thanks again.


Thanks for the feedback folks.I had hoped to not have to use ear peices, I enjoy the "freedom and solitude" of riding in the wind!

I liked the Visual Alert idea, unfortunately it doesn't work with the Solo. Maybe I have to get a V1.

thanks again.

I mounted a pair of small cheap speakers in my helmet and listen to the radar detector or the GPS. Either way, I am riding in silent solitude most of the time.

Actually, I just bought an Ampli-Rider mixer so I can listen to both the radar detector and GPS at the same time, but I haven't installed it. Even with them both going I don't expect to hear from them very often.

I have a Radar Screamer on an R1.

You can hear it quite well at 125MPH.

They work well, but...

But everyone around you can hear it too. You get odd looks in traffic when it sounds off. It does have a mute option.

It can be a little startling at first. The first time mine sounded off, I almost dropped the bike.

They take a little getting used to, they are loud.

You can hear it quite well at 125MPH.They work well, but...

But everyone around you can hear it too. You get odd looks in traffic when it sounds off.
I like my screamer, you can mute it...just remember to turn it back up! Forgeting that cost me a coupla hundred one night in Littleton :eek:

It does turn heads, the girls walking down Main Street think I'm whistling at them :rolleyes:

Jl, since I really don't like to use ear sensing devices that much, I like to use the Marc Parnes "Visual Alert" which when mounted anywhere in your peripheral vision you will know if your RD is going off. One thing I like about this product is as it becomes night you can turn the volume down on the RD and the bightness will go down on the Visual Alert. And unlike the H.A.R.D. unit the VA doesn't have to run on batteries. And Marc is a great guy to work with by the way. So everyone's tastes are different and what works for you so good luck in your search. PM. <>< ;) Visual Alert
+1 on the Visual Alert.

You need a separate piece of equipment for the V1 (in order to get sound). Though there was some speculation that with the V1 it was all or nothing, I too have found that you can dim it with the volume control.

Just thinking out loud here, but it seems like it would be fairly easy to make a screamer for the V1. The audio goes through the standard phone cord, so why not tap the audio and feed it to a speaker at full volume? I know that Valentine makes their audio box, but I don't want the extra box to mount somewhere. Something to research when I get the time.......

Just thinking out loud here, but it seems like it would be fairly easy to make a screamer for the V1. The audio goes through the standard phone cord, so why not tap the audio and feed it to a speaker at full volume? I know that Valentine makes their audio box, but I don't want the extra box to mount somewhere. Something to research when I get the time.......
I'm not sure that I understand your thinking. Are you taking about opening up the V1 and pulling audio from the small speaker inside?

Just thinking out loud here, but it seems like it would be fairly easy to make a screamer for the V1. The audio goes through the standard phone cord, so why not tap the audio and feed it to a speaker at full volume? I know that Valentine makes their audio box, but I don't want the extra box to mount somewhere. Something to research when I get the time.......
I'm not sure that I understand your thinking. Are you taking about opening up the V1 and pulling audio from the small speaker inside?
No. The audio comes out of the V1 via the standard telephone cord. Rather than run the audio through a dedicated audio box with adjustable volume (which Valentine sells, but it's a bulky box), just run the audio straight to a speaker or possibly through a resistor to set the volume. I haven't researched the Screamer, but I suspect it is doing the same thing I propose.

Visual Alert works with the Escort 8500 with no mods required.
Sorry but I've used Marcs Visual alert and I have to give it a pass for Speed Cheetahs Viz Alert. Frankly the build quality when I bought 3 years ago wasnt that good the plug fell apart.

If you're serious about your rd you know that all alerts are not created equal .... a laser alert and a x band alert are at opposite ends of the spectrum and I want to know "NOW" which one it is.

Speed Cheetah colour codes the alerts, its also wireless, light and motion sensitive so it adjust light level for conditions and shuts off automatically when not in use.

Oh yeah you can integrate a laser jammer with the system as well.

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