Radar detector

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2005
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I'm going to get one for my Truck (Beltronics RX65)

do some of you users switch yours back and forth from your vehicle

and your bike or is it to much of a pain? :D

here is a web site with good information.


Thanks for your help.

Have a great day


I have a new Escort 8500 X50 on my FJR1300 as primary - it is velcrod on stem stand - I peel it off, unplug the permenant plug (mounted on bike) - carry to car - stick it on window mount which came with the detector and then plug in cigerette lighter connector which came with the charger.

This takes less than 30 seconds. So easy even I can do it without instructions.


Do you run yours through an intercom? I have an X-50 that I want to swap between my bike and truck also. I have it mounted to the right on a Ram Mount with the short stem and the magnetic plate supplemented by a small velcro strap (kind of the belt and suspenders method). My problem right now is that without audio in the helmet I can't hear it when the bike is underway.

I have two Escorts. One stays in Eve's ride and the other goes on/in whatever I'm riding/driving. That way we're both covered whenever we leave home. Bought an extra window mount with the last one so all three cars are equipped.

I highly recommend piping the audio into your helmet. :thumbsup: Priceless!

On my FJR I have a permanent mount with Velcro attachment and a wired in cable for my Passport. In my car I have a wired in cable and a mount. Unplug, rip off, plug in, clip on, it just takes seconds. I don't leave home without it :)

I have a setup similar to floridafeeger's and like he said, it takes no time at all to swap. If you can jack the the audio into your helmet as TC says, it's priceless. Personally I use a H.A.R.D. with my Escort 8500.

My V1 goes from bike to car in seconds. Both are wired for it and on the bike it plays in my Starcom.

I have two mounting locations for the Valentine on the bike. My primary location is in a side pouch of a bag that I carry on the rear seat. Totally invisible. Otherwise I velcro it to the top of my left saddlebag.

This pictures shows the bag and the V1 mounted on the saddlebag:


Axeman -

Yes, I have an autocom intercom mounted under my rear seat with a MIX-IT unit allowing several inputs (radar, frs radio, mini-disk player,MP3 player, GPS, cell phone, and radar. When all of them go off at the same time I piss in my pants :D But since the Autocom has volume control I can control all the volumes easily. Keith at Tulsa Truck Center fixed me up with this neat setup and I LOVE IT - best farkle ever was the intercom. And yes, I hear the radar detector loud and clear - it is amazing.

I have speakers mounted in my Shoei R1000 and also custom molded ear plugs. Now I mostly just use foam ear protection and crank the speakers up loud enough to hear the music but I dont hear the wind buffeting.

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Question to you guys that have detectors ( I never owned one)

When your riding in the mountains (lots of corners) you unknowingly buzz around a corner, there he is!

either pulled over shooting or shooting coming in the opposite direction.

Will the Detector still work in this situation?

Thanks for your help..........


Question to you guys that have detectors ( I never owned one)
When your riding in the mountains (lots of corners) you unknowingly buzz around a corner, there he is!

either pulled over shooting or shooting coming in the opposite direction.

Will the Detector still work in this situation?

Thanks for your help..........

If his radar is on, I'll have him before I get to that corner.

Is there such a thing as a passive radar detector? Here in Oz its illegal to use an RD and if you do the coppers are able to tell whether you have one operating when they zap you. It is then taken from you and a hefty fine ensues.

Thanks in advance

I use this magnetic holder and interchange between vehicles. Twists off in a second. Rock stable in the airstream of my FJR.

RAM Mount Universal Magnetic Power Plate III Holder Description:

The RAM Mount Magnetic Power Plate III Holder has a powerful double magnet that is inserted behind the rubber mounting plate. To mount your device to the magnet, you may need to attach the metal plate to the back of you device with the included adhesive pad.

Originally designed to hold radar detectors, this plate can be used to hold many different items.

This item does not ship with a 1.0'' ball. To add a ball to the back of the rubber plate, you will need to purchase a RAM-B-238 or RAP-B-238 Diamond Plate to enable connection to the RAM Mounting Systems.


This mount should NOT be used with any device that has an internal hard drive. The magnet may damage the drive. This includes the Apple iPod and other small battery operated devices

Among other places, I found it at: www.gpscity.com

I would include a pic, but the feej is all covered with bug splats - to be washed today.

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I have the RX65 and used it in my cage. It has some nice features but is not as sensitive as the Passport X50 that I use on the bike.

The RX65 has a nice feature where you can set it to click, like a Geiger counter, instead of beep for those times when the radar is hitting you for an extended period of time. The weakness for bike use is that it has no accomodation for headphones. And, as I said above, it is not as sensitive as the X50 so you don't get warned as far ahead.

I swap the X50 between bike and car for myself and leave the RX65 in the Explorer, which doesn't get as many miles as the bike or car.

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Is there such a thing as a passive radar detector? Here in Oz its illegal to use an RD and if you do the coppers are able to tell whether you have one operating when they zap you. It is then taken from you and a hefty fine ensues.
Thanks in advance

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, all radar detectors are passive. The way they catch you in "no radar detector zones" is they zap you from behind and look for brake lights.

Is there such a thing as a passive radar detector? Here in Oz its illegal to use an RD and if you do the coppers are able to tell whether you have one operating when they zap you. It is then taken from you and a hefty fine ensues.

Thanks in advance

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, all radar detectors are passive. The way they catch you in "no radar detector zones" is they zap you from behind and look for brake lights.
There are radar detector detectors and some radar detectors are more stealthy than others so you are more likely to be detected with certain ones. That may sound confusing, but there is a lot more to it than just watching for brake lights.

There are radar detector detectors and some radar detectors are more stealthy than others so you are more likely to be detected with certain ones. That may sound confusing, but there is a lot more to it than just watching for brake lights.
You got me curious so I did a little research and by golly you're right. But it's only recently the technology's been employed. Interestingly, it's a company in Austrailla that's marketing the premier RDD (Radar Detector Detector).

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