RAM mounts on fluid resevoirs

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
I have two of the RAM balls, one each mounted on the Motorcycle Larry resevoir covers. I accidentally overtightened one and the ball broke off. I figured that was my fault. Today I was riding when my radar detector & plate fell off the other one. I wasn't sure what happened until I realized the ball broke. CRAP! Two for two.

Time for a different mounting location/method.

Thought I'd share the watchout...


Tech-Mount; works great on the FJR

I love my FJR, but I gotta say - it sucks for mounting stuff.

If you are using an Escort 8500 RD, then send me a PM and I'll return a pic and some details on my $3.99 rd mount for the right side reservoir. Several folks at EOM saw it and liked it.

Thanks for the warning about the commercially available mounts. I had some concerns about that much pressure/vibration distributed across such a small mounting surface on such a thin aluminum plate. It just didn't "feel" right and that's what made me (and I suspect lots of others) look elsewhere.

I started with a tech-mount, the one that goes in the spare threaded hole in the clutch lever. It works good but placed my radar detector too close to me so I had to remove my eyes from the road for too long to look at it. I switched to the ECM shelf that FJRGoodies sells. It allows a lot more flexibility on where I mount things. It places my detector where I can see it with a quick glance and leaves room to mount several items. So far I only have my radar detector on it, but I plan on adding a gps some time soon.

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+1 for the ECM shelf. I've got a RAM ball screwed onto it and a couple of patches of industrial Velcro for all the goodies.

I use the same RAM setup as Skooter and Mogan and haven't had a problem with it with my X-50 mounted on it. I use the Techmount stem stand for my Sirius radio....now the only problem will be to find a spot for the GPS.

I saw Jeff's at EOM and for $3.99 you can't beat it for ingenuity....

....... I switched to the ECM shelf that FJRGoodies sells. It allows a lot more flexibility on where I mount things. It places my detector where I can see it with a quick glance and leaves room to mount several items. So far I only have my radar detector on it, but I plan on adding a gps some time soon.
I have seen on this forum a similar shelf that, I think, is made by someone on the forum. I assume the shelf at FJR Goodies is a different one? Is it easy to install and stable? And, will it fit a 2006?

Another question. If a radar detector is mounted on the shelf, when it "detects" a radar signal, will the indicator lights on the detector get your attention? I'm hoping to avoid running audio from my detector to my helmet.

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IMHO, there is no substitute for piping the RD audio into your helmet. I had my RD on an ECM shelf for a while. It was only slightly more visible than having the RD over the reservoir. In both cases I feel it necessary to "take my eyes off the road" in order to check the display.

Have considered the HUD, but am concerned about the light at night. I have a brand new in the box SCREAMER if you are interested (PM me). I'll make you a DEAL on that.

If you are depending on the RD, then I would strongly suggest piping the audio into your helmet, regardless of where you mount the RD.

+1 on audio in the helmet for the detector. The lights on the detetor are useless on the bike by themselves IMHO. By the time you realize they are lit its to late.

....... I switched to the ECM shelf that FJRGoodies sells. It allows a lot more flexibility on where I mount things. It places my detector where I can see it with a quick glance and leaves room to mount several items. So far I only have my radar detector on it, but I plan on adding a gps some time soon.
I have seen on this forum a similar shelf that, I think, is made by someone on the forum. I assume the shelf at FJR Goodies is a different one? Is it easy to install and stable? And, will it fit a 2006?

Another question. If a radar detector is mounted on the shelf, when it "detects" a radar signal, will the indicator lights on the detector get your attention? I'm hoping to avoid running audio from my detector to my helmet.

Another option (other than audio) is a H.A.R.D. system. It transmits the radar alert signal to a battery operated LED/receiver in your helmet that's positioned in your periferal vision. Works great and is a superior solution if you like to listen to music or GPS.


Audio for me is absolutely required. Have tried running with just visual in the past... ain't gonna go back to that no way, no how.
