Re-Born Threads?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
N Las Vegas, NV-- Phx, AZ
Is it my imagination or is there a crap load of really old post that got reborn today?

This really doesn't need a answer but I was feeling left out and lonely today and wanted to contribute.

Hadent noticed.... sometimes I just read and dont pay attention to the dates....

Excellent contribution by the way!! B)

I haven't really noticed, but it is a retrospective kinda time on the forum right now.

I love it when I see an old thread that I've replied to, but don't remember that I replied to it way back when. I'll hit "Add Reply" and start typing a reply, hit preview post, then see my original reply.

Hey i was in Portland this morning. Cold as hell yesterday though. Coming down into Cali I saw 3 FJRs a pretty brownish one and a blue one. I honked but I don't think they noticed.

Sorry I'm so late responding to this thread. I was reading a really interesting one about a new electric shift FJR that's supposedly coming out. I said I didn't think that would really happen.

Any way, ya, what's up with all the re-born threads lately? Geez, catch up already!!


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I love it when I see an old thread that I've replied to, but don't remember that I replied to it way back when. I'll hit "Add Reply" and start typing a reply, hit preview post, then see my original reply.

I almost did exactly that today, with the old thread about fork bushings wearing out prematurely. My answer sounded familiar to me and scanned the thread... sure enough, I posted months ago.

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Hey you guys are right. Finding old threads and posting on them is fun. The trick is to go far enough back to find stuff you haven't already read or grown tired of seeing.

I love it when I see an old thread that I've replied to, but don't remember that I replied to it way back when. I'll hit "Add Reply" and start typing a reply, hit preview post, then see my original reply.
My personal peeve is when seven people give the same answer to a question in a thread . . . some of them more than once. The +1 or 'Gunny' solutions provide better reinforcement than 'maybe it is a loose bolt' eight times, because it implies that the responder has actually read the thread rather than blindly replying to the first post . . .

My boss is like that - but I can take advantage by burying anything I actually want in the second paragraph of a multiple paragraph message, as long as I ask for something requiring approval in the opening sentence - because he never gets past that and I can then point to the message as proof if the brown stuff hits the rotating blades.

I personally try to read the whole thread BEFORE hitting reply . . . and if I start a reply and it all sounds familiar, I don't hit 'submit'.

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I'm new here and have noticed this myself but I think it cultivates from the constant reminder to "search". :ph34r:
