Rear wheel axle spacer/washer? in wrong location?

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
Vernon, B.C.
Just helped a friend replace his back and front tires on his 2006/7 FJR. The rear axle spacer was on the inside of the caliper next to abs sensor as opposed to the outside closest to the swingarm. Just wondering how much damage/effect this would have on the bike? He had the tire replaced by a dealer while on the road on a trip so there is no recourse? He put about 8 or 9 thousand miles without noticing any problem? Just curious!


I presume you mean the washer shown here which is between the calliper carrier and the shoulder in the axle:

(Click on image for larger view)

Moving the calliper out by the thickness of the spacer will do two things, it will mean the calliper isn't centred in its travel over the brake disc (remember it's a floating calliper). It will also put some sideways stress on the control arm (or whatever that foot-long bar is called).

Unless the control arm has been bent, I don't think any real harm will be done.

If when reassembled it all seems to go together without any problem, I'd forget about it (apart from never going near that dealer again).

It looks like your abs sensor bolt is a bit loose
There, that should do it.

It looks like your abs sensor bolt is a bit lose ;)
Yes, this is a picture taken when I was having trouble with a seized sensor, showing that I'd got the bolt undone
Thanks Wheaton, my spell checker didn't see an error there. :rolleyes:
The spell checker won't see an error since "lose" is a valid word (pronounced "looz", as in "I rode into some side roads in order to lose myself", as opposed to "loose" pronounced, well, "loose", as in "the FJR isn't the best motorcycle to used on a loose surface". Here endeth today's English lesson :)
.... "the FJR isn't the best motorcycle to used on a loose surface". Here endeth today's English lesson
Way to go Einstein, perfect example of my edjoomacation dollars at work
!!! Someone actually reads at least some of the drivel I spout, which is, of course, why I put in the occasional deliberate mistake

Ok, hands up, I accidentally added a spurious 'd' to "use", my bad
. My feeble excuse is I'd been "entertaining" grandchildren all day (woken at 5:30 am, this was typed at 11:35 pm) and was frankly shattered.

And, as HRZ rightly points out, be assured none of your tax dollars were spent, let alone wasted, on my schooling. Maybe a few English tax pounds ...

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