Recall service + Tires

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Punta Gorda ,fl
I took my bike in today for the recall service. I needed new tires and ordered P3s. 3 hours later the dealer called and said it is DONE. No harness replacement and no burnt spiders, so looks good. This bike is new to me and has never been quite right in the handling. The tires were the originals with 7000 miles. When I first checked tire pressure they were 10# low and the suspension settings were all wonky. I will pick the bike up tomorrow.

I cant wait to feel the bike handle as it should and to not have the niggle of a wire melt down. I have the bike set up in BUSA mode.PURE SPORT. With a chopped shield and lowered seat I like this bike much more than the first and second generation Busas, almost as fast but soo much more comfort.

By the way, on the Suzukies we would use a Buell peg mod to lower the rider pegs. Have any of you tried this mod on the Yamaha? Is there a rider peg lowering method? With the seat set in low position and the rubber pads removed I can flat foot ez. I have a bionic Left leg and knee that locks at 90 degrees. I would like a bit of extra stretch. Any HELP please. I will report my objective opinion on the MP3s FYI.
