Normally, I wouldn't post about something as trivial as a fuel additive. But this stuff really improved how the bike runs. I fill up with various gasoline brands as I never thought it makes much difference. Started to notice a bit of rough idle and a ping at WOT a month ago. Changed plugs, did TB sync etc. with no improvement.
Just 4 oz. of the SI-1 in a tank of gas smoothed things out completely. I did a follow up 4 oz. in a 2nd tank last week and really feel an increase in response and power. If you are noticing things are a little "off" with how the bike is running, give this stuff a try.
Just 4 oz. of the SI-1 in a tank of gas smoothed things out completely. I did a follow up 4 oz. in a 2nd tank last week and really feel an increase in response and power. If you are noticing things are a little "off" with how the bike is running, give this stuff a try.