Registration Open For 2014 10'N10 Rally

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Trading miles for memories
FJR Supporter
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
I will just copy the RM's announcement:

"It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of registration effective January 1, 2013 for the 2014 10n10 Plus. We have modified the existing format of the 10n10 to include not only an additional 5 day event, but we have also modified the rally to allow remote starting locations for every rider. If your budget is a little tight, or your vacation schedule leaves a bit to be desired, then the 10n10 might just be the rally for you since we have eliminated the travel time and expense necessary to travel to a remote starting location.

While we encourage riders to participate in all the pre-rally activities a MERA event offers, we do understand that not every rider has a schedule or a budget that allows for such fun and frivolity. So we've set things up to allow a rider to start from their home area if that is their preference. Both rallies will finish in Salt Lake City, and both rallies will finish on the same day.

We selected the rally dates to coincide with the dates that we used for UTAH 1088 that we held for 22 years. The 10 day rally will start June 26, 2014, and will finish July 6, 2014. The 5 day event will start July 1, 2014, and will also finish July 6, 2014.

I invite you to view the application and rules for the 10n10 Plus at

We hope you'll join us for what is sure to be a great rally! And if you have any questions about the event, you can email me privately and I'll be happy to answer them. "

Steve His contact: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

This rally is just pure fun !!!

I rode this years 10'n10 (My 1st multi-day) and looking back, I can say "Wow"

30 days to figure out a route plan! A pure riders delight!

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I've done this rally twice. Best riding experience of my life so far. If you can find the time, do it. Pretty inexpensive for this type of thing too.
