I installed a Penske shock last week, and while doing it found that with all but the top bolt installed that the relay arm rocks back and forth. I slinged the bike with straps, took off the centerstand (grinding off the two bottom bolts) to gain access to get the top relay arm bolt out. I expected to find a mess, but everything looked really good so I lubed all the bearings up, and am preparing to reinstall. What has got me concerned is that the sleeve on the relay bolt (#26 in the photo of the fische, and in the photo of the bolt/nut) slid back allowing me to slide it to the head of the bolt and remove/install the bolt without grinding some threads off of it. The sleeve also sticks out some (see photo of bole/nut). Is it normal for the relay arm to rock back and forth, and for the sleeve to stick out? It may be just play that is needed, but it feels not normal to me like the sleeve was possibly replaced with a longer one.
If the play is normal, my time was not completely wasted as I learned how to sling the bike, the centerstand will be much easier to remove next time due to the reversed bolts, and the relay arm bearings are lubed.

If the play is normal, my time was not completely wasted as I learned how to sling the bike, the centerstand will be much easier to remove next time due to the reversed bolts, and the relay arm bearings are lubed.