Respro Foggy Mask

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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Stafford, VA
Have returned to the foggy visor time of year here in N. VA - actually have been there a while. I'm not looking to spend $70+ for the Pinlock system and wanted some feedback from folks who have used the foggy mask. Easy to install? Does it work? Things you have learned to do to make it work better...


Have returned to the foggy visor time of year here in N. VA - actually have been there a while. I'm not looking to spend $70+ for the Pinlock system and wanted some feedback from folks who have used the foggy mask. Easy to install? Does it work? Things you have learned to do to make it work better...Thanks.
Yes, in my experience it works very well. Mine came as part of the visor so I don't have first hand experience actually installing it. However, the "pins" are excentric, so if you "miss" drilling the hole a bit, the pins should compensate for this.

My largest problem is not the visor, but rather the glasses I wear. If I coat them with a fog repellant, then I'm good to go, even thru cold foggy weather.


You might try looking at one of Fog City's visor inserts. I use a Hyper Optiks insert year round, day & night. Never have to wear sunglasses and never fogs. One tip for these inserts: If the adhesive lifts, you'll get fog between the visor and the insert so install on a new visor. That way the adhesive is guaranteed to stay stuck. Also, if you have a UV filtering visor you won't get the dark color change (or it will be slow) on the Hyper Optik. UV is what causes the color change.

Mine works good at keeping the breath from fogging the mask, not so good if your face starts sweating, which is above the mask. It usually only happens at first after I work myself into a sweat getting dressed and going. Usually a little crack of the visor clears things up and cools me down. I think some of the other responses are addressing a different accessory.

This thing, right?


Not much to installing, as it uses velcro which sticks to the cheek pads. Once you get it in the right positon for your face it's good to go. Mine works well with my suglasses (Oakley M-Frame), as they slide into a seam in the liner and don't need to rest on my nose to give good coverage.

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Thanks Bob - I remembered you had made comments before and hoped you'd chime in! I think I'll give this a shot.

Thanks again.


Mine works good at keeping the breath from fogging the mask, not so good if your face starts sweating, which is above the mask. It usually only happens at first after I work myself into a sweat getting dressed and going. Usually a little crack of the visor clears things up and cools me down. I think some of the other responses are addressing a different accessory.This thing, right?


Not much to installing, as it uses velcro which sticks to the cheek pads. Once you get it in the right positon for your face it's good to go. Mine works well with my suglasses (Oakley M-Frame), as they slide into a seam in the liner and don't need to rest on my nose to give good coverage.
Is this similar to the breath guard on the Shoei helmets? I use the breath guard and still have a problem with my glasses fogging if not moving. One interesting thing I found is that with the windshield down the glasses and shield fog but as soon as I raise the windshield they immediately clear. I ride with a Shoei RF-1000 and I think it has something to do with the wind flowing over the top of the helmet and therefore pulling fresh air into the helmet.

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I have a Respro Foggy mask and have used it with my Arai Signet FF helmet. It works as advertised and I found it not to hinder putting the helmet on, but it did make getting the helmet off more difficult for me. Probably just the way I'm used to lifting the helmet off, but a pain for me.

As Toecutter said, under some conditions you still get fogging when your eyes are warmer than the air in the helmet. I don't have the sweating problem.

Most of the time I've just accepted that I'm going to have to leave the visor cracked open some in the cold weather to prevent fogging. :umm:

Have returned to the foggy visor time of year here in N. VA - actually have been there a while. I'm not looking to spend $70+ for the Pinlock system and wanted some feedback from folks who have used the foggy mask. Easy to install? Does it work? Things you have learned to do to make it work better...Thanks.
Hey Jim,

I've been looking at the same thing here in va. I'm thinking about getting CAT CRAP. I read about it here.


You can find it on ebay and on the internet for about $5. Fog City is an option too.

Have returned to the foggy visor time of year here in N. VA - actually have been there a while. I'm not looking to spend $70+ for the Pinlock system and wanted some feedback from folks who have used the foggy mask. Easy to install? Does it work? Things you have learned to do to make it work better...Thanks.

I own both. I too was not looking forward to the $70 for the pinlock, but guess which one I use in my X-11? The pinlock is far and away the better solution of the 2 and requires no adjustment ever, just install and forget about it. I found with the foggy, even though it does work as advertised, required periodic adjustments, which for me is something I try to avoid at all costs with riding gear. I want all of my focus on the road ahead.

Also keep in mind if you use an intercom, the foggy is a pain with the mic boom.

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