My parents are considering moving to Panama. There is a large area of new communities popping up for retirees and people looking for vacation homes.
Supposedly very very affordable. Like 1200 a month pays for all of your expenses with a live in maid/cook.
Also, the vast majority of professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants) all go to the U.S. for their education, then back down there cause they miss their home. There is a John Hopkins hospitol there as well. (Someone as to take care of all you fogies!
Also, they are planning on widening the Canal, so there will be a big influx of industry there, which is good for the economy, which will equal more money for local projects.
Retirees get all of these incentives
Import tax exemption for household goods
Tax exemption to import a new car every two years
25% discounts on utility bills
25% discount on airline tickets and 30% on other transportation
15% discount on loans made in your name
1% reduction on home mortgages for homes used for personal residence
20% discount on doctor's bills 15% on hospital services if no insurance applies
15% off dental and eye exams
10% discount on medicines
20% discount on bills for professional and technical services
50% discount on entrance to movie theaters, cultural and sporting events
50% discount at hotels during Monday to Thursday, 30% on weekends
They are supposed to go check it out sometime in the next 6 months. If they go I'll shoot you a PM.