Review of the "Jacked Link"

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY

The Jacked Link is a device that safely splits 2 audio sources, can be used with a phone, requires no batteries, and is light and compact.

I ordered this to use with my Radar and Ipod, but it works well with a phone as well.

First you will need in helmet speakers. I use these because I like to wear earplugs even with the speakers. This reduces the higher frequency sound waves which are most damaging to your hearing. Skullcandy also makes a set with speakers already attatched, but I like the idea of not having them attatched in case the headphone breaks, the solder points come loose.


Second, if your using it with 2 devices that have 3.5 mm outputs, you'll need an adapter like this.


As you can see here, the device has 2 input lines that give you a good amount of distance between the 2 items you want to plug in. I didn't measure, but it was greater than 2 feet.


The volume on the jacked link will increase or decreae the volume of the ouput coming through the 3.5mm line. This works well because I don't want my Ipod louder than my radar.

If you want to use this with a phone, you will not need an adapter, because most phones have the 2.5mm output. Some phone will allow you to use the "link" button to answer the phone.


This isn't practical though, because the Mic for your phone is located on the back of the actual jacked link.


This means your link must be in your full face helmet, and without a full face, forget about it, too much wind noise. Most phones do have an auto answer feature, so it will just pick up automatically and you won't need your hands.

That also makes it harder to adjust the volume, which is too difficult to adjust with gloves on anyway. You need to set the volume lower before you depart so your phone is a little louder than the ipod. You will be able to BOTH at the same time. This thing does not over-ride, which is a minus for phones, but a huge plus for radar. No more cutting out the music for every false alert!

For about $49 bucks shipped, the Jacked link is a good alternative for those who do not want to drop the $$ on an autocom or starcom. However, the features are significantly more limited and you can only have 2 inputs at a time.

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