Revit gloves

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
There has been one or two glove discussions lately and someone mentioned Revit gloves. Revit seems quite popular in Europe, but not well known here in the US. My local BMW dealer (90 miles away :glare: ) carries them, but I decided to check them out online.

After riding in the rain several hours in the Ozarks with Smitty141 and the gang, I decided I needed a dedicated wet weather glove. I was wearing a pair of neoprene gloves that dear ol' Dad got me for Xmas, and was wearing those in the 3+ hours of wet. The "neoprene" type gloves I was wearing were from Gander Mountian and are not riding gloves. No get off protection. However, they are extremely comfortable, give a great grip even when soaked, and my hands never got cold. The PRUNE effect was pretty significant, so I decided I needed more wet and asphalt protection.

Revit has a nice website with online ordering. They have lots of products and several styles of gloves. I looked hard at the waterproof gloves and decided to try the Tornado H2O.


The Tornado is a multilayered glove of mostly textile materials. It has a one way membrance liner that is supposed to breath out, but not let water in. The Tornado has soft armour in all the right places, and is supposedly made of appropriate non rigid materials to protect all the right spots in a get off.

I ordered the gloves over the weekend, the order processed and the gloves shipped on Tuesday, and I received them Thursday via UPS.

The gloves are built very nicely, the fit and finish is very good. The anatomic shape is not as exagerated as some gloves, but you can tell these things are made to grip a set of bars. I undid both velcro straps and tried to get my hand in. I normally wear a medium in almost everyone's glove. This thing felt like a small going on, and it was tough going. After I got my hand in it, the glove was quite comfortable. My fingers fit in well, and I had excellent feel. And once inserted passed my palms the whole glove felt very nice.

Getting the gloves back off was a real battle. I was afraid that I was going to separate the layers inside the glove because removal was so difficult. Wow, these babies are tight. I hope they give a bit. If they do, they should actually end up being perfect.

I can tell you that there is no shield wipe on the glove. That's OK with me, I prefer Rainx and not touching my shields if at all possible.

Have I tested them in the rain yet? No. And I'm not going to ASK for it, either. But after I do, I'll come back and let you know how it goes. If function is directly related to form, however, I think Revit has made a choice product worthy of consideration. My confidence is high!

Just curious Rocket... what do they mean by "engineered skin" on the gauntlet? :huh: That some synthetic carbon based protein lifeform they grew in a vat somewhere????

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Just curious Rocket... what do they mean by "engineered skin" on the gauntlet? :huh: That some synthetic carbon based protein lifeform they grew in a vat somewhere????

When I ttry to take the gloves off, I think I need an engineer and it feels like my skin is coming off! :blink:

Looks like they have some pretty cool products. But if I were even slightly between glove sizes, I'd go for the next larger. They have a reputation for making stuff on the small side.

The Tornados fit like a second... ;)

They recommend you test the gloves by filling them with steaming hot water. They swear the glove will not leak, but you can see the steam come out through the one way membrane layer. I won't try it, I'll take their word for it. May wash the dishes with them on, though, just to test them. Wonder how the gloves hold up to detergent.... :huh:

Time to go riding.... :yahoo:

I'm a HUGE fan of Rev'it gear. Great stuff that jsut plain works. One thing you need to know however is that their sizes run small. For gloves, I always get the largest size they have. In any other brand, I'd be comfotable wearing a large, Rev'it, it's gotta be XXL. That's just the way they are.


I have some Revit pants, they're CE armored, made of a tight mesh / balistic combo. They came with a thin waterproof liner that snaps in. They Rock !! :D

I rode 150 miles in driving rain wearing my jacket with it's waterproof liner. On the lower half I was wearing jeans (spare me the comments - of course saying that will no doubt bring them on). When I got home, my wife said I looked like I'd waded into a swimming pool up to my waist. The Rev'it waterproof liners work INCREDIBLY well.


I checked their website, and I could not find any place to order on-line. I'm using a Mac not a PC so maybe that is why. Anyway, just wondering what was the price for the gloves and shipping?

Nice report Rocket. Glove reports are my favorite here-I'm always looking for something better, mostly because I can't stand the things, and wear them only because I have to. I have gotten too many that bunch up in the palm, 1st on my list of things to hate. How were these in that regard?

Rad, I don't want to hear about you bunching up your palms. It just brings up bad images. :eek:

Seriously, the mediums that I bought are very snug all around, but once I was in past the wrist, everything felt fine. If you wear a medium, you'd better think about going at least to a large, though, especially if you want room for your palm.

I wear tight latex exam gloves all day, so these things feel fine all around for me. You might not like them that tight. Just getting in and out of the Tornados (especially out) kinda sucks. I wonder if the next size up would be too sloppy for me, though.... hmmm...

The Tornados I bought were $79.99 and $7 shipping. Checkout was directly from the Collection Overvue page. If you could see the glove (jacket, whatever), the price should be right there, and you should be able to check out from there, too. On my non-mac running Firefox, the cart clicky is at the left, up along the top line with the REVIT logo.

For those of you who are "particular", well, there is a store locator on the Revit website. Looks like a lot of Bimmer stores carry them.

I have used their mesh glove as my hot weather glove for two season without problem.

No get offs, so no real test.

No bunching in palm, as FJRocket advises they are tight fitting.


Just curious Rocket... what do they mean by "engineered skin" on the gauntlet? :huh: That some synthetic carbon based protein lifeform they grew in a vat somewhere????
From their site:

With the new 3-D Engineered skin approach the weakest link in the garments, the stitching seams, are reallocated towards areas of less impact. In combination with abrasion resistant and impact absorbing materials, safety stitching and reinforced seams, the Engineered skin products are capable of handling incredible stresses in the case of an impact. Stretchable, breathable and reflective materials are being used to increase the level of comfort and safety. This results in a wide range of highly functional and comfortable safety apparel, specially designed to protect the motorcyclist.

Bummer... Gary McCoy doesn't sell Rivet's stuff.... Time to check eBay... :glare:

I've been using the Revit stuff for over a year - jacket, pants, and gloves - and am impressed with every aspect of the product. Discovered them at the local BMW motorcycle dealer -- and the sizes do run small (ie; wearing "XL" stuff even though would not normally do so). Very high quality all the way around -- but as others have mentioned, can't seem to find the stuff except at the BMW dealers. Believe its big in Europe. Just hope to never have to give it the ultimate test.....! :eek: Jay
