Ride to Cold Springs Tavern

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Wee Willy

It's bad, you know
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Mooresville, NC
I would like to propose a ride to the historic Cold Springs Tavern for any west coast FJR riders who demand fine riding to a great location followed up with good company and a mug of fine brew. Here's a great chance for both the So Cal and Mid Cal FJR owners (and anyone else willing to make the trip) to meet & swap unbelievable war stories at an historic Santa Barbara watering hole. Cold Spring Tavern's web site is located here.

The tavern is located just north of Santa Barbara here on the beautiful San Marcos Pass Road. It is a well known bike destination and there will be a lot of two wheel fanatics at the locale from across the spectrum.

For those of us from the LA area, I propose the following route through Canoga Park to Simi Valley to Fillmore then Ojai and through the scenic northern part of Santa Barbara. Then up the San Marcos Pass to the old stagecoach route and the tavern.

Proposed route.

For the LA crowd, we can rally up at the Starbucks located at 5422 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, in Woodland Hills at 0830. The ride to the tavern will take about 3.5 hrs. Those of you coming from the north...well, you know what to do.

Now, all this is a first put and, as Von Moltke once said, no plan survives first contact. All is negotiable: routes, times, dates, etc.

What say you all? Any takers?

EDIT: new date of 12 June is proposed for this ride.

Expected time on target at Cold Springs is 12:00 noon.

List of confirmed riders:

  • Riding from up north:
    Tree Doc

[*]Riding from down south:
  • Wee Willy


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If I'm "in town", the wife and I are IN. Only problem is, it's our anniversary weekend and we want to go somewhere for the weekend on the FeeJ. I'm contemplating the Gold Country or maybe up Hwy 1 north of the Bay Area and over into the Calistoga/Napa region.

If we don't roll that way, we'll come down to the Tavern and do a long run on 33N / Pine Mountain Club / 58 / home.

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I see your name on the list for a ride to Big Bear that same day! Could be a conflict!

You must really want to ride that day!

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Different date would be cool, then I'd be more likely to attend 'cuz I'm pretty darned sure we're headed elsewhere on Friday late afternoon and I'd hate to miss a collection of fellow FeeJeRs in my backyard....even though in all these years, I have NEVER been to the Tavern after driving past it for about 25 years! :lol:

How about 1 week down the road...Saturday the 12th? Date is easy to change.

Redtail's right too...I'm in on the Slappy Big Bear Ride it seems...that would be a lot of riding..



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Sounds bueno to me! Penciled for the following Saturday.

Friday I'm confirmed for a ride up Hwy 1 and on to Union Square in San Francisco. We'll be based and rolling from there up the coast and to Napa and wherever else we decide to go on Sat and Sunday.

Wish I'd have logged in earlier in the week to see this and I'd have committed to it. Would've been a nice ride, especially now that I'm living in Agua Dolce.

Well...it's looking like TWO of us?!

Sorta last minute but I got a call and I'm gonna have to make a plan change. My boat is finally ready down at Port and I gotta go get it since it's taken up some valuable real estate at the boatyard. Tomorrow's my best option so I'm out!

WeeWilly doode -

so wish I could make this.. Previous plans.. Do it again?

BTW - It's all about the ride for yourself - but I really DO wish I was free for this.. Would like to meet you..

NP...heading out for the run. We'll try to pull this together again sometime soon. I put this up having completely forgotten about Slappy's Big Bear run. Timing's important...we'll get it right next time.


