Riding buddy crashed

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Mr. Christmas Pants
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Belpre, OH
Don't know the full details yet, but a riding buddy of mine apparently just crashed a few hours ago on his way home from a Bike Night in Charleston. From what I was told he lost it about 15 miles from home in the median and hit an embankment. He called another from my riding group saying he crashed, but didn't know exactley where he was. So my friends called the State Police and then went out looking for him. Turns out the found him and had him life flighted to CAMC. The last thing they knew was he had a possible broken C-1 vertebrae. Don't know what that means for him ( para/quad-palegic or what ). I should hear more by the AM and pass the word along. Just if you all out there could keep some good thoughts in mind I'm sure he'd appreciate it.



Put a prayer down range for him. Been in a similiar situation, except I was there and my best friend was critical, it is a sick feeling either way.


Sending some his way. Hope you get some good news this morning on his condition.

Don't know the full details yet, but a riding buddy of mine apparently just crashed a few hours ago on his way home from a Bike Night in Charleston. From what I was told he lost it about 15 miles from home in the median and hit an embankment. He called another from my riding group saying he crashed, but didn't know exactley where he was. So my friends called the State Police and then went out looking for him. Turns out the found him and had him life flighted to CAMC. The last thing they knew was he had a possible broken C-1 vertebrae. Don't know what that means for him ( para/quad-palegic or what ). I should hear more by the AM and pass the word along. Just if you all out there could keep some good thoughts in mind I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Sorry to hear about this bad news.

I will be hoping and praying that everything will be OK.

Well, if he called with a broken C1 it's probably not broken that bad. That's what makes a person stop breathing. Unless things get worse (swelling) he may recover. Either way, I will add to the flow of positive thought for him.

Thoughts are with you. The body is capable of performing some awesome miracles. Hoping he pulls through with a full recovery.

The last thing they knew was he had a possible broken C-1 vertebrae.
C1 is right below the base of the skull (C7 being down closer to the shoulders). Hopefully it won't mean anything more than imobilizing his neck/head and letting is heal. Send him our wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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