Riding stats for the year 2017

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Second hand vegetarian
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Etters, PA
Not sure if anyone has started a thread like this and none showed up in a quick search. My riding for the year 2017 consisted of;

22,503 total miles ridden among 3 bikes. All but 360 miles were on the FJR.

Rode in 12 states this past year including one, KY, I'd never visited before.

Completed 2 fairly major LD rallies, Mason Dixon 20/20 and the Void Rally.

3rd place finish in a smaller 8 hour rally. The Couch Potato rally run by Jonathan Hammy Tan an IBR finisher. I was also the most efficient rider scoring the highest points per mile.

Finisher status in Tour of Honor with 45 memorials, 8 flag murals, 4 statues of Liberty and 3 dough-boy statues for a spot in the top 50

Finisher status in Team Strange Love & Merci tour.

One IBA certificate ride, a saddlesore during Tour of Honor covering 1061 miles to visit 7 memorials in under 22 hours

Rode 359 out of 365 calendar days in 2017 and my current streak is running at 288 consecutive days of 10 miles or more on the street.

Average miles per day works out to 62.7 for 2017.

My best ever year of riding and all are personal records.Looking forward to breaking all of these numbers in 2018!

My report is dismal and I'm ashamed. Only logged about 8k. I need doctors that are farther away so I can log more miles while wasting time in their office.

Owing to family health issues, probably the lowest of anyone on this forum who hasn't actually been laid up, 3871 miles. (I know the exact mileage since I happened to fill up on 1st January and on 31st December.) Hope to do better this year.

I've probably ridden less than ever this past year. Not even attempting to figure it out because I'm sure the results are horrible for me. The only good if there can be any? No tires paid for.

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This year was an off year for me due to lack of time off and lack of $.

I was able to ride a BBG trifecta on the way out to YFO. (Which was a great time!)

Dang, I forgot I rode a 50cc (Even forgot to submit?) on the way home.

Rode up for the IBR finishers Banquet and pulled off a "Hell Week"

Rode to Dallas for the B.A.T…

But otherwise a pretty lousy year for me… not sure about the miles though.

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SEOR 5/4-5/7, YFO 5/27-6/9, Low sided the bike on 7/11, EOM 9/18-10/1...and a couple day trips down to SEO. Mileage around 14k miles for the year

So I rode across the country, saw stuff, dumped the bike, rode some more, had some fun, and lost a hero... That was my 2017

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2017 had the potential to be my highest mileage year, but I fizzled out after the IBR. I actually rode less miles than the previous 5 years. Oh well, got some home projects done that were way overdue. Hoping 2018 is a good year.

Embarrassing low total here, also, due to health issues. Hope to do better in 2018 if the issues turn out to be resolved.

No health issues, but embarrassingly low miles - probably under 2k across 6 bikes. No excuses.

You guys don't know "embarrassingly low miles!" Sheesh, my humiliating number in 2017 is 636 miles, almost all related to YFO. I'm hoping that 2018 includes a return to higher mileage.

No big trips planned for 2018 and a house renovation has started so it isn't looking to good for 2018. My guess is between 6-8 K for 2017 but I didn't keep track.


Total for the year: 212 days, 19,285 miles, for a daily average of 90.97mi/day. Trip to YFO logged four days near 1000 miles each. SFO required two ~900 mile days. Also organized and rode CFO/MOFO. Commute to work is 35 miles round trip, mainly freeway. Added Utah, Nevada, and Californy to the states-traveled list. Pretty good year for a non-retired guy.

23,xxx for Pants in 2017. By far, my highest yearly total to date. And although I can't quantify it objectively, by far my highest smile total as well. I saw things last year on the bike that I dreamed about, and it was better in person. The bucket list was shortened last year. It's still way too long, but I'm heading in the right direction, sort-o-speak.

Stay thirsty, my friends.....

Something a little over 15,000 miles or so - probably the least in the last half-dozen years. As far east as Newfoundland and west to Winnipeg. A few trips to New England and lots of relatively local riding. Hope to step it up a bit next year. CFR maybe - on the way to Alaska if I can get that many consecutive days (weeks) off work.

8,371 miles on the FJR; mostly commuting and local riding. Additional 1,605 on rented BMW during an 11 day ride in Switzerland and Italy.

covered 8400 on my FJR since getting in it May '17. Previous to that was roughly 4k on a Z1000sx. So 12.5k on the year. Not too shabby given I have to work 6 days a week!! Mostly weekend riding with the exception of two trips to Wales, One to Germany and France and the rest just for the hell of it!! Ride safe
