rifle windscreen

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lunch truck larry

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2012
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I have 'V' stream now ,on my 2007 , but the top of it, is directly in my line of sight , (at full lift ) so i:am always trying to look over it ,or have to scrounch down to try to look through. I thought I.would try the 'BIG ' rifle . QUESTIONS ,,,How bad is the buffering,,,does it shake alot??. Will the bigger screen put undo stress on the windshield mechanism ?? Hey,thoughts and prayer for you guy's down in Texas , I' am worried about a stupid windshield ,and some of those people don;t even have a place to sleep tonight . Any comments on the wind screen would be appreciated, Thanks ,Larry

How tall are you? I found the VStream to be a great screen for reducing buffeting but it was too low for me a 6'3". The Rifle large is a barn door and I added an X-Screen Tour to the top of it to get everything the way I liked it. If the VStream was taller, I probably would have stayed with it.

I got out of Houston on Thursday night and glad I did - I'm worried about all my clients and friends down there.
