Right Brain vs Left Brain test.

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
Reaction score
Franklinville, NJ
But after looking down at the shadow of her feet, I clearly see her rotating CCW.

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.


Hmmm, initally I see her going clockwise. Then if, as suggested, I focus on her feet I can see her going counter-clockwise. Guess I use the center part of my brain!

I see both. Clockwise, blink and she changes directions, blink again, and she reverses. :wacko:

(Left handed people are the only people in there right mind) :p

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Clockwise. Consistently clockwise.

I did notice however that the poor girl is rather cold. Any bonus points for noticing the details...?

I don't know how anyone sees her turning counter-clockwise - she's standing on her left foot and the shadows are such that she can ONLY be turning clockwise - or else I'm just right-braned (which is better than what my wife thinks - that I'm completely brainless).

I see clockwise, but I can force counter-clockwise by looking elsewhere on the screen, then going back when she "turns around" in my peripheral vision.

What's cool is that she's changed everything when she turns, which foot is raised, which arm is bent, when way her head leans, etc.

She's not cold, she just likes being there.


I see that gurl turning counter clockwise (ya know, lefty loosey).

I tried to envision her doing anything in the other direction and it hurt. It isn't happening for me.

Funny, the first think I noticed even before the direction she is turning registered was how cold she was. Once she was going clockwise though, I couldn't make her change direction. Which really bothers me, being an engineer and all.

Funny, the first think I noticed even before the direction she is turning registered was how cold she was. Once she was going clockwise though, I couldn't make her change direction. Which really bothers me, being an engineer and all.
me too, and perky at that!

seriosuly I wouldnt put much into this guys I can see both.

clearly this is not a brain test but rather a sublime hypnosis test..........now don't y'all feel like sending me money to buy more farkles??????

I are an ingineer too but she is going clockwise. Looking at her in my peripheral vision using the rods in my eye she kinda starts counterclockwise but then goes back. Can't make a switch back and forth. I wonder what sets the rotation speed and if it is computer related maybe that has an effect on the perception. I think I'll go try it on another computer (after the Rockies beat the Diamondbacks).


i see counter clockwise...my GF sees her rotating clockwise...she is adamant as to the figure holding her right arm and leg out, i see left arm and leg...

we shared quite a laugh as to seeing the same image in mirror.....Zorlac, thanks for the link...

Funny, the first think I noticed even before the direction she is turning registered was how cold she was. Once she was going clockwise though, I couldn't make her change direction. Which really bothers me, being an engineer and all.
me too, and perky at that!

seriosuly I wouldnt put much into this guys I can see both.
I, too, can see both nipples. This is easy.
