I recently purchased one of Gary's racks for my bike. Like many of you, I have an accumulation of tank bags and other bags from the various bikes I have owned. I had an RKA seat bag and I thought of putting it on my rack. It will fit, but it is a little large. I saw that another FJR vendor, Sportbike Effects, was selling a different RKA bag, basically a BMW LT rack bag. Although he advertizes it for the seat, it fits perfect on Gary's rack.
I am the kind of person that always rides with my saddlebags and always has them full! I decided to ride without the bags and use the rack bag while I am not traveling. So far, so good.
I had a great experience with both vendors. They both actually called me about my order...I call that good service. I just wanted to express my thanks and give a plug for a couple great fourm members and FJR vendors.
I am the kind of person that always rides with my saddlebags and always has them full! I decided to ride without the bags and use the rack bag while I am not traveling. So far, so good.
I had a great experience with both vendors. They both actually called me about my order...I call that good service. I just wanted to express my thanks and give a plug for a couple great fourm members and FJR vendors.