Rocky Meyer Chronicle

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Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Rancho "Liverpool" Cordova, CA
Deb & I rode down to Ojai, Ca to get ourselves a Bill Meyer custom seat to replace the stock POS we have now. We've been through the original stock seat, a Rick Meyer, a Corbin, and this second stocker, ALL of which did not work for us. Good reports abounded about Bill (Rocky) Meyer and his work.

Rancho Cordova to Ojai was 480 miles, of which the first 150 was bearable on the stock seat. My ass by this time had two "burn marks" because of the tendency to slide into the tank. Added to that was the fact that Deb was sliding into me -- a position which was welcomed, but under different circumstances ;) --.

Anyway, out come the Travelcade Gel pads to be strapped onto both seats. They worked fine for about 10 miles untill my butt remembered it was already raw and in pain, and I also felt like I was riding on top of a bowl of unsteady gello. We were both relieved to be able to slowly pry ourselves out of the saddles when we got to the Best western Casa in Ojai. If you need a quiet place to stay, this is the motel for you :)

Up early the next day and arrive at Bill Meyer's place at 07.15, to be welcomed by Adrian, Rodrigo & Sergio, our craftsman for the day. Susan, the office manager arrived 1/2 hour later to make us feel more welcome.

The work began (photo's later), by having us sit on the bike and our seating positions were noted. Many questions where asked of us by Adrian, we asked many, our concerns about seating were listened to intently.

A while later we ride tested the partially finished product to see what further mods. needed to be made. We did this 3 times until Adrian & ourselves were satified we had reached "perfection" for our own particular butts. This involved a shaving here and a dishing there with much advise in-between. These guys really know their business.

Five hours later, we were happy customers with new seats covered in leather. An interesting and pleasureable experience.

Now the best part of the day :D , when riding down the driveway into Bill Meyer's came our very own Tim (TWN) Baron Von Posty, who had very kindly managed to squeeze us into his busy day for a spot of lunch in Ojai. Really good to see his smiling face once again - it had been too long. It was Tim's e-mail to me that finally made my choice of a Bill Meyer saddle.

Anyhow, the ride back home the next day, we split into two sections by riding up Hwy 1 and staying in Carmel overnight (to relive our honeymoon :D ) - and there you have 290 miles. tack on another 220 miles from Carmel to home, and you have a 510 mile ride on butts that were already sore. But this time -- aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh :D :) :eek: :D . What a difference! Nirvana! Money truly well spent. Adrian said the seats will "break in" and be better molded to our butts after approx 1000 miles.

Whooooaaa -- I'm sold right now, likewise for Debbie. can't imagine them BETTER!! but looking forward to it all the same.

Different butts for different seats I know, but after 3 different seats we've found the ones we're keeping.

Here endeth the "chronicle', except for when I get the piccy's sorted out.

Hope this will assist anyone else out there looking for a new seat.

I'm sorry....I got stopped on the "reliving our honeymoon" :confusedsmiley: comment and the rest of the story is a blur :dribble: . No doubt this was planned but enriched by the "sliding into my back" experience. :blush2:

I'm assuming this post was because you found the absolute zenith of seatage for the two of you.

Congratulations....twice! :clapping: :yess:


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rogdeb, great info on the seats. There's no better comparison than having tried them for yourselves. The LD guy's agree too on the Mayer seat from what I've heard. Is Bill Mayer and Rick Mayer two different makers? A little confused here. Thanks, PM. <>< :D

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Is this the seat of Bill and Rick Mayer?
"The story" as I understand it- Rick and Rocky are Bill Mayer's sons. Bill sold his original saddle design to Russel. Rocky builds custom saddles in Ojai. Rick builds them near Red Bluff. Mine is a Rick Mayer and I couldn't want for a more comfortable and functional saddle. The price was right as well.
I notice Roger said that some helpers built his saddle. I watched Rick do all the work on mine. That's the only difference I can note. I'm sure they're both great products. He also said he was not satisfied with his Rick Mayer Saddle, so there may be something to that as well. I loves mine!

Thanks for that Bob. This is a must have farkle for the 06 down the road for me when I get the funds. The only real trip I took so far to Columbia and the Gold country made me realize the need for a custom seat. The stock seat is not real bad but hot spots after about 2 hours and some degree of unwanted movement towards the tank is going to have to be resolved. PM. <>< :D

OK then - I'll try the pics, chronologically


So far- so good! That would be Deb settling in for the wait.

And - outside the workshop, bike minus seat


The Bill Meyer workshop


Different feel for different butts. I have had the stocker, quickly went with the rick Mayer. Even with one adjustment it just never felt all that good. Had a Corbin built for free, they used my bike for development of the seat, and it never performed. So I got a Russell on a ride in just like the rest. Easily a 1000 mile seat. The best my butt has ever sat in. Haven't tried Rocky's seat but I hear tell they are also fantastic. When I was at Rick's he had help with my seat and did not do all the work himself but the majority of it.

Hopefully, the pics won't vanish!! One of my other posts did :lol:

The "sign"


says it all


Rodrigo at work on Deb's half


And Adrian at work


Susan, efficient & friendly office manager, who's daughter crashed her car while we were there.

She took the news remarkably well !


Bob was correct with the Meyer brothers story, at least as far as I know.

Bill & Rick both make good products, just Rick could not get mine right. So far - the guys at Bill's did good by us.

And now this piccy thing is going so well :) I'll post a few extra's before i get to the seat pics.

Our own TWN - full of lunch :D


On our way back and up to Carmel, a stop at Pine Mtn summit on Hwy 33


Same place - different direction


Price of gas in Cuyama, Hwy 166 to Santa Maria, we didn't top off!


This is maybe too long winded huh? But I'm havin' fun :D

Twitchell Res, Hwy 166


And it beats mowing the lawn - my next job :(

Deb -- looking rough? She's actually hanging on so the hellacious winds that day don't take her off into the blue



Ghandi rides a Feej? Who knew?


Seperated at birth?


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The winds were really strong that day on Hwy 1. When they were not trying to suck me into the cliff face, thay were trying to toss me over the edge.

And me


Ragged Point - Hwy 1. The scenery was just drop dead gorgeous


And finally -- the finished product. This shows the sloping to the tank has been removed on both seats


Cool! Now how 'bout some shots of that beautiful red bike for those here who haven't had the pleasure of seeing it in person?

Edit- Spoke too soon. Thanks!

Hey Rog, is Hwy 1 still trash?

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Mikey Mag got it right, different seats for different butts. We only have 500 miles on this one so far, and so far, I think it's the last seat we'll be getting :D We are really pleased with it, and it looks good.


Hwy 1 is mostly repaired now. We only hit 3 spots, each about 100 yards long, that were still gravel.

Our worse road was Hwy 33 from Pine Mtn summit and north to Ventucopa. A few miles of road that were heavy in reconstruction. Mucho gravel and 4 "edges" where there were intersections. One was about 6" up (then 6" down) where I scraped the bottom of the plastic and the center stand -- not fun!

I notice Roger said that some helpers built his saddle. I watched Rick do all the work on mine. That's the only difference I can note.
The main difference between the brothers is that making saddles is Rocky's full time gig, complete with employees 'n shit, whereas, it appears to be a hobby/PT thing with Rick. It also seems that there is a, um, disagreement between the two as to who was taught the craft by Pops Mayer.

Nice report, Rogdeb! Glad to hear you have happy cheeks! :lol: Sorry 'bout 33, I though they'da had most of that done... :(

Now, pleash to be excushing me, I am being late for my daily dip in the Ganges...


- Mahatma

""The main difference between the brothers is that making saddles is Rocky's full time gig, complete with employees 'n shit, whereas, it appears to be a hobby/PT thing with Rick. It also seems that there is a, um, disagreement between the two as to who was taught the craft by Pops Mayer.""

Ya got it.

""Nice report, Rogdeb! Glad to hear you have happy cheeks! :lol: Sorry 'bout 33, I though they'da had most of that done... :(

Now, pleash to be excushing me, I am being late for my daily dip in the Ganges...""


- Mahatma

Hwy 33 - it was what it was.

Now -- 166 completely made up for it :) Faaaaassssst sweepers and good road surface all the way.

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Looks good Rog! and now you've got the pics down pat,we'll be seeing more I'm sure. I think we've created a monster! :D

Cool! Now how 'bout some shots of that beautiful red bike for those here who haven't had the pleasure of seeing it in person?
All they have to do is come to WFO in Reno. For a fee, Roger might even let them touch it. :D "Oooohhh, look Mable Anne, a Classic '03 in Red!" :wub: He's got to pay for their 3rd seat on retirement income, you know. :yahoo:

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As I understand it- Rick and Rocky are Bill Mayer's sons. Bill sold his original saddle design to Russel. Rocky builds custom saddles in Ojai. Rick builds them near Red Bluff. Mine is a Rick Mayer and I couldn't want for a more comfortable and functional saddle.
The only missing bit was Bill commenting on his "no compete" with Russell. He said that, while his new design is very good, there are some things this original design addresses better than his new design because of being confined to only using foam(s) with the new design.
