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Yup, that was great stuff, kind of like a moment in history, a unique perspective pretty much like none other. One might guess all the other riders could benefit by that somewhat, but of course they have their unique moments too... great stuff.

Lessee, if I lost 60 pounds, cut my hair, were 30 years younger, grew up racing scooters on Italian streets........

riiiiiiiight ;)

Thanks for the link.

Damn, he's a SKINNY mofo! I thought the Pedro-bot was small...

I got the feeling he wanted to say a lot more, but he had to pick & choose his words to be vague about what exactly they did to the bikes, and to be kind of diplomatic. I think he would have loved to grab a beer, and sit down with another bike geek and say "boy, we did [x] to the '08, and you wouldn't believe the difference it made!" and do some serious bench-racing. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he's talking to Jeremy Burgess.

He sure made it clear how much he hated the 800cc rule though, and the limited engines rule.
