Rostra CC and Gen I Install

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
Asheville NC
I'm looking for someone who has any experience with the Rostra CC install on a gen I. I've got a few questions before I spring for the unit and install it this winter.


Ken, that's my issue. The ECU I think is a little different and I don't want to go piercing wires willy nilly. :) wiring looks pretty simple though after that.

I'll do some light reading and try to pick up any differences between the ECU's.

The hardest thing was removing the fuel rail to drill out the tang to mount the coupling.

Those screws are in TIGHT !

I drilled the tang without removing the fuel rail...Move the rearmost throttle cable out of it's bracket...find a way to lock the throttle full open...use a long 5/32 drill bit to drill the can get these bits in hardware stores or just use a regular bit with an extension..carefully start the hole straight on, slow speed so as to get it centered..

Rosta fits neatly in right side of the tool tray facing forward, cable wraps around under the tank and comes back over the cam cover alongside the stock cables. I didn't cut any wires from the Rosta, just bundled them tightly with zip ties and put them in the front of the tool tray [still enough room for the tools]

Rosta has a lost motion cable, no need for a beaded chain, actually the less slack, the better. I simply clamped the Rosta cable with spiral clamps onto and parallel with the stock cable, hooked the end directly to the tang.

Thing works great once you get done dicking around with it..

not my ideas..others have used these tips before me

I haven't gotten one yet. Still doing research. Btw murph will sell you just the servo for your autovox CC

The unit I got is called an Audiovox World Cruise and it is actually a Rosta electronic difference- even the manual is vacuum to F with

This is the route I want to go, also on a Gen 1.

What method is best for the speed sensor wire, and is it necessary to reduce the pulses per second from the bike to match what the Rostra can handle?

As far as i understand, the rostra won't handle a 1:1 signal input. The abs I believe uses 4:1 reduction which brings it into the Rostra's range. I'm just concerned that te abs signals aren't the same on the gen 1 as they are on the gen 2. I'm also not the best with electrical diagrams, so I just don't want to chop away at my harness.

Good luck asking the questions on the Facebook page, lol.

The Orange wire / #2 ECU terminal is for the Tach signal, the same wire / circuit that supplies the low voltage side to the HT coil plugs 1&4

Likewise the wire in #1 ECU terminal supplies the low voltage side of the HT coil plugs 2&3

Most install instructions say to tap onto the LV terminal of X coil ??? the easy terminal to access.

Gen1 ABS input into ECU is the same, terminal 18.

There should be quite a few posts on the forum about installing it on a Gen1.

All ok, just hook up per the write up.

Could try plugging this in a Google Search Bar:


rostra installation

tach signal

vss signal

I wouldn't worry about the wire color coding that much.

I've found some discrepancies between what's installed on the bike and what's in the manuals.

A meter is handy to trace out the circuits.

I suppose it depends on who is making up the bikes wiring looms on the day.

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Confirming, no hookups to the ECU needed, use the tach for speed.

Don't remove the resistor in that wire. The one with the big tag on it that says "don't remove this."

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You get a resistor in the Audiovox CCS-100's coil pick-up wire. Dunno about the Rostra.

It doesn't look like a resistor, it looks like a tag that says don't remove this. It's just a lump in the sheath of the wire.

It may not even be a resistor, might be a capacitor, I don't know. It serves as a filter. If the Rostra doesn't have it on the wire, maybe it's built into the control unit.
