Routing suggestions needed for an OH to SD/WY/MT/Canada ride

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
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Brooklyn, OH
A friend and I have 9 days in August (12-20th) to do some riding starting from Cleveland, OH.

After realizing our first choice (Southern Utah canyons and Colorado passes) would probably be too much of a stretch timewise, we have decided to head towards South Dakota and hit the Eastern part of WY and MT. Then return to Cleveland via Thunder Bay, ON through the Sault and down through MI.

This would be a point to point trip rather than multiple nights at the same location.

We would like to ride some fun roads but neither one of us is craving anything really technical. Ideally it will be pretty much a sightseeing and checking out some cool new places type of trip.

We are trying to be flexible and don't mind hitting interstates and putting some miles in getting to places. This is especially true for OH, IN, and IL.

Is there any destination in Eastern WY or MT we should include?

Is it worthwhile to ride the northern shore of Lake Superior or just head east from Duluth into the UP?

We plan on spending some time riding in the Badlands area.

You can't go wrong taking the North shore North out of Duluth or the UP. I can't wait for my first ride through the UP on the way to CFR in June.
Here is a link to a great North Shore ride report that has me hot to get back up there and continue exploring the Norh Shore.

Great North Shore ride report

I can definitely chime in on the Beartooth - have ridden/driven it a couple times now in July & August, and it is well worth your trouble.

Also, depending what you are doing in Montana, check out the ~70 mile stretch of MT Hwy 37 running north out of Libby; it runs beside Lake Kokanusa all the way, and it often referred to as the 'better than sex' highway.

Have fun!

Upper penn MI is py plan this summer no suggestions yet.

As for interesting roads to the decoded and beyond good luck. I have been to and from Iowa many times for work and it like canned soup. Bland.

Abercrombie! What is CFR? Sorry I am a noobie.

Upper penn MI is py plan this summer no suggestions yet.

As for interesting roads to the decoded and beyond good luck. I have been to and from Iowa many times for work and it like canned soup. Bland.

Abercrombie! What is CFR? Sorry I am a noobie.

Sorry for the bad message. I just worked 14 hours and dropped a couple making dinner. Cell phones are not a good way to read up on the forum. There could be a on edit option to help asses like myself.

Wait... Is there? If so out me in line.


SD Badlands will take all of 2-3 hours,

East of there SD is well, boring,

Once West of the Badlands I can help.

Two days will cover all the Black Hills and NE Wyoming have to offer.

From Rapid City head to Keystone, Mt Rushmore Iron Mountain Road, Needles Highway, Custer State Park, US 16 West, US 85 North to Spearfish via Spearfish Canyon.

Spend the night in Spearfish, If i'm home I'll buy you a beer band ride with you.

The next day ride Spearfish Canyon the other way, turn South on US 85 to 4 corners, ride WY 585 to Sundance WY, then over to Devils Tower. From Devils Tower head to Buffalo WY either via I-90 or US 16. From Gillette head to Buffalo WY on I-90, cross the Bighorns to Ten Sleep WY

the map above gives you a general idea.

From Red Lodge, ride the Beartooth Pass to Cooke City, have Breakfast, return towards Red Lodge but turn right and head down the Chief Joseph to Cody WY,

At Cody, depending on the time you have left you can spend a slow day dodging tourists in Yellowstone or head East towards home.

The roads I've identified are some of the best in the west if not the world.

hope to see you here in Spearfish.

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Upper penn MI is py plan this summer no suggestions yet.
As for interesting roads to the decoded and beyond good luck. I have been to and from Iowa many times for work and it like canned soup. Bland.

Abercrombie! What is CFR? Sorry I am a noobie.
CFR is one of a number of FJR organized meeting where people from this forum drive across the country to meet up with, ride with and have a couple beers with fellow FJR owners from this forum.


There is one in you neighborhood May 12th - 15th in Marietta OH. Get down there if you can and meet some great people.


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A factor to consider is that the dates for Sturgis are 8-14 Aug. You'll miss the rally, fortunately, but may catch the tail end of cruiser & Harley hell.

That being said, the Black Hills should be a top priority for your trip. There are several good rides and it seems like there is always something going on in Spearfish and Sturgis.

Next hit the Bighorn Mountains in north central WY. Again, great riding.

Go to Cody (Buffalo Bill Museum and Firearms Museum) and from there enter Yellowstone at the eastern gate. See what you want of the park then exit at the NE gate at Cooke City. You'll come to a fork in the road. Left is Beartooth Pass; right is the Chief Joseph Byway. Both are mandatory. I suggest riding the Beartooth to Red Lodge, have lunch, then ride the Beartooth back to the Chief Joseph.

At the end of the CJ head north thru Belfry & Bridger to I-90 and head home. At Crow Agency stop and spend some time at the Custer Battlefield, then take Hwy 212 thru Lame Deer, Broadus and Alzada to Belle Fourche and back to Spearfish. At Alzada a side trip to Devil's Tower is in order.

Once you get back to Spearfish you can head east on I-90 or another route of your choice.

There are many side trips or diversions you can take all along this route. If you are into western history you will be in the heart of where the mountain men / fur trappers operated. Read about Jim Bridger and Jedediah Smith. There are also a great deal of historical sites related to the Indian Wars. Read up on Chief Joseph, Custer and Bridger. The current movie "Revenant" recounts a adventure involving Bridger and Hugh Glass. All good stuff.


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If you're going from Duluth to the Mackinac bridge, it's worth the few extra miles to ride close to the south side of the lake and head up to Copper Harbor.

Just be aware though that the young troopers in the UP can get really excited if they think you should be written up.

Thanks to Intech, cyclepath, Bigjohn, wyowanderer, and flying dinosaur guy we will now include Beartooth and Chief Joseph. But possibly at the expense of routing through Michigan. The north shore of Superior is an easy "long weekend" ride from Cleveland. So if time starts running short that may be a seperate ride.

Bigjohn, as time gets closer I will pm you about meeting up in Spearfish.

Wayne, I'll probably see you at busts tech day. I'd love to hear what you have in mind.

Tripper, thanks for heads up! But I'm a grandpa. And I ride like one...

Decent places to stay: Story, WY Cody, WY West Yellowstone, MT Chico Hot Springs, MT
We go to Chico HS for our anniversary each year (4/20). My daughter and her husband buy us an overnight package for Xmas and then get us massages at their Spa for our anniversary. Great ride thru Paradise Valley to get there and then we ride thru Yellowstone on our way home. The restaurant is fantastic. There dinners match anything you will find in a major city. Good bar.

Decent places to stay: Story, WY Cody, WY West Yellowstone, MT Chico Hot Springs, MT
We go to Chico HS for our anniversary each year (4/20). My daughter and her husband buy us an overnight package for Xmas and then get us massages at their Spa for our anniversary. Great ride thru Paradise Valley to get there and then we ride thru Yellowstone on our way home. The restaurant is fantastic. There dinners match anything you will find in a major city. Good bar.
