Russell Customer Service

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I'll post up if I get a reply...

----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob Firestine"

To: <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 6:15 PM

Subject: FJR 1300 group buy inquiry


My name is Bob Firestine and I go by Toecutter on the FJR forum. A

group buy was announced today for 10% off all seats done by Dec

31st. I have scheduled a ride-in appointment for Nov. 11th and I

was wondering if I will be eligible for the discount. If not,

please let me know what I have to do to be eligible if possible.

The discount would cover my fuel costs for the trip.

Thank you,


From: <[email protected]>

To: "Bob Firestine"

Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:03:39 -0700

Hi Bob,

The deal is from the 1st of Dec. to the 31st that is the only month

that we do it in due to the lack of seats that were coming in that time of

year. If we do it for one person than we have to do it for all that ask. By the

way I or someone has re-moved you from the calendar for the 11th of Nov. Did

you request the removal of yourself. Its still open but it is empty.You can

get the discount if you want to change it to the 1st of Dec a Thursday. We

don't usually see any snow here. Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Katy


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, Dec. 1st will not work for us. As you may recall, I originally inquired about the possibiliy of a Saturday appointment, as my wife's work schedule makes mid-week travel impossible. I did call and remove myself from the ride-in schedule, as I decided to purchase a saddle from a different custom builder. I'm sure your product is quite nice, and I know it comes highly recommended from the long distance riding community. However, the other builder does offer Saturday appointments, threw in free lunch, and doesn't charge $80.00 for the convenience. In addition, his saddle, which also has high praise from one long distance rider who owns both brands, is about $175.00 lower in price and carries a lifetime warrantee. My current finacial situation dictates that I get the most bang for my buck, so the choice was real easy. I'm sorry we couldn't do business this time.

Best regards,


Not trying to start anything but am wondering what you expected? I have a part-time business that I run and wonder what more you wanted???

Yo Toe,

I'm not sure what you were looking for here. Lots of businesses offer discounts to make up for lack of work during off times. The local Hardley dealer usually offered to sell bikes at MSRP in December even during the peak years for that reason. At any other time they'd be trying to get a premium over MSRP. (I'll bet that's a thing of the past right now.) Lots of resturants have excellent specials during slow midweek periods. I can't fault Russell for that or for being fair to everyone by not giving only you the December price.

As far as Saturdays go, if I ran a small business and could generate enough cash to support myself without working on Saturday, you wouldn't find me anywhere near the shop either. Hell, my local dentist doesn't even work on Fridays anymore. He's strictly Monday through Thursday now, but I like him so I work around it although I think that the prices for dental work are out of control. Again, no foul for Russell.

My build date is 12/12 and I'm hoping to really like the saddle. If I had time, I'd roll down to Cali but its not gonna happen.

Good luck with the (as I recall) Rick Mayer saddle, like you, I've heard nothing but good things about them.



Not bad, but not the best IMHO
Like I said before, not complaining, just not impressed compared to others providing an arguably comparable (and some say superior) product. I fully expect businesses to do what's best for the bottom line and themselves. It's just really refreshing when one actually takes a step or two to make the customer feel like they're an asset rather than a resource. I seriously doubt that Rick Mayer, as a career critical care nurse, needs to work Saturdays to make ends meet. Or offer lunch to people who ride for hours to bring him business. And he doesn't charge customers extra to ride in. Compared to the Russell seat, the Rick Mayer saddle will be over $250.00 cheaper. Russell is offering a slow-season discount, which was announced on this forum as a group buy, of 10%. BFD!

It wouldn't even cover my appointment charges. I guess I should have titled this as "Why I am going to buy a Rick Mayer saddle" to keep it all positive and cozy. :D

I hear ya toecutter. When the info on the Russell group buy was put out on this website, I figured it was time to pull the trigger on the custom saddle I always wanted. For me, it was always a Rick Meyer vs. Russell decision. So after looking into the Russell, I also looked into the Ricky Meyer. With his current fall specials, he is quite a bit cheaper. I too, also was disappointed where Russell charged freaking $80 for a ride-in, while Rick did it for free, and on Saturdays too. Lastly, I have met Rick at Rallys, and also am impressed by his generous $250 gift certificate he provides to many of the rallys I have participated in.

No doubt, the Russell is a fine saddle, but to me it was saving some $$$ and supporting a fellow motorcycle enthusiast vs. going with the more impersonal company.

And this is NOT a slam on Russell. I still may own one of their saddles someday.

Now, to find the time to do a ride-in.........

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Not bad, but not the best IMHO
Like I said before, not complaining, just not impressed compared to others providing an arguably comparable (and some say superior) product. I fully expect businesses to do what's best for the bottom line and themselves. It's just really refreshing when one actually takes a step or two to make the customer feel like they're an asset rather than a resource. I seriously doubt that Rick Mayer, as a career critical care nurse, needs to work Saturdays to make ends meet. Or offer lunch to people who ride for hours to bring him business. And he doesn't charge customers extra to ride in. Compared to the Russell seat, the Rick Mayer saddle will be over $250.00 cheaper. Russell is offering a slow-season discount, which was announced on this forum as a group buy, of 10%. BFD!

It wouldn't even cover my appointment charges. I guess I should have titled this as "Why I am going to buy a Rick Mayer saddle" to keep it all positive and cozy. :D
I hear what you are saying but IMHO that is not what I would have called bad customer service. Just because one company Rick decides that he wants to offer all of these things to his customers at a lower price does mean that Russell should have to do it also. As you said before Rick has another job and this is not his complete source of income.

Not every company does the hey I found this 10% cheaper will you meet it deal.

I just wouldn't have slammed a company for deciding to charge more and not give you a discount a month before their discount went into affect.

My choice I guess.

I charge $2.50 a square foot to install wood floors. I do not charge to remove carpet, I do not charge to install quarter round. I still find people that want me to charge less. I choose to not work for them. I am already charging less than they would find anywhere and doing many things for free and they just want more.

I had one customer that wanted me to leave all the furniture in the room and move it around as I needed. Again I said no. Some customers just want too much, Sorry.

Toecutter did NOT call it bad service. All he said (to my reading) was that in the free market of competition, Rick Myers has Russell beaten hands-down on both service and price, and gave his reasons.

If Russell doesn't feel they need to go as far for their customers as Rick Myers, that's their choice. They believe they have the Rolls-Royce of motorcycle saddles and that give them an edge.

I have a Russell saddle for my FZ1 and it was a terrible disappointment. Expensive disappointment. No matter WHAT I said, no matter what measurements and pictures I sent them they insisted on a seat position that pushes into the tank and off the main part of the seat. I have to CONSTANTLY push myself back to the part of the seat that's sprung. I sent the seat back to them twice (first time because they had also put the wrong cover on it). So my arms, elbows and wrists take the strain. Doing a ride-in from NJ was not feasible, either. While they were very nice, the seat has NEVER been right. I recently took a razor knife to it and removed a WHOLE bunch of foam, particularly in the vertical section that presses on the base of my spine. I removed over an inch of foam so I could slide back more. I also removed some so the seat pockets my butt a little more. It's better, but it's still far from perfect. Still, if I could do these things, why couldn't they?

I personally cannot see buying from Russell again. If someone has a used one for sale, and I try it and like it, I'll buy it.

Oh, and Russell uses 1/4" plywood in my seat to help support the springs--imagine MY surprise at finding that! I don't know if it's bad, but it sure was strange to see--made the inside of the seat look REALLY kludgey.

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It was toecutter not Radman.

Second the title itself says Russell Customer Service.

Third you give an example of not acceptable service.

All toecutter describes is a company that has a product that cost's more than he is willing to pay and isn't willing to give a early discount and meet a competitors discount.

So again as usual I disagree he is complaining that a company isn't willing to cover gas to come into their shop. To me the company that is offering things is going way out of their way and should be congratulated but that again doesn't mean every company has to do it and shouldn't be bashed for not.

I bought a seat that was $600.00. I knew that it being a seat that was not custom and was built to one standard to fit a majority of people was not custom. I decided to go this route (sargent) was not going to be perfect but better than what I had. I also like that they used their own pans. I could continue to ride. Now if I want to go to Rick/Russell I can send my stock pan and still have a seat to ride until it gets back. Way more expensive way of doing it but my choice.

Again this goes along the lines of my not liking someone making the comment "It's not setup for long distance". It is perhaps the wording that bothers me.

New title Rick Meyers has great customer service...
