Russell Day Long or Bill Mayer Seat

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2005
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Gilroy, CA
I am looking to upgrade my stock 05 seat. I am 6'3" and 225 lbs and do a variety of riding. Like the day long 200 to 400 mile trips with the twice a year long distance rides. My wife does ride once in a great while so it needs to fit her also. She is 5'7" and 115.

Will do a ride in on either seat to get the best fit. Since I live in the South Bay both locations are within a days ride.

Had a custom Corbin on my old Connie is it was just okay.

What seat do you recommend and why?

May even consider a backrest for the pilot. Anyone have one and how do you like it?


Gilroy, Ca

05 FJR

@ 225# you need a Russel. IIRC even the other builders say go with Russell at 225 & above.

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You can't go wrong with either.

I've never tried a Russell, but I absolutely LOVE my Bill Mayer seat.

I think either seat will do you well. Alot of LD types use both seats and most swear by the seat they've chosen. I know people say if your of the heftier variety you should go with a Russel because they have a spring in their seat to help keep its shape, but I know of one 'healthy' LD rider who swears by his Bill Mayer.

Personally I have a Russel and I really like my Russel. Its a great seat and I've been happy with it and have put about 20k on it in the last year.

Old man Mayer was the creator of the Russell system. He is reported as saying his non-compete agreement with Russell meant that he wasn't able to address heavier riders as well as the Russell because of being restricted to only using different types of foams (the Russell system uses springs to distribute the weight).

I'm on my 2nd Russell. It took me a lot of money trying to avoid the expense of my first one. When I got the FJR, the Russell was one of the first mods I did and, along with upgraded suspension, is one of the best investments made on the bike.

Had a custom Corbin on my old Connie is it was just okay.
What seat do you recommend and why?
Roger, I have a Corbin and now a Russell. I can HIGHLY recommend the Russell, in fact, I ddin't think a seat could be this comfortable for long periods, night and day to the Corbin. I'm planning an 800 miles ride today and will report back once at my destination.

Clicky here - Report on the Russell Seat

Rocky Mayer fan here. Putting one on my Wabs as well. This is the first I've heard of the "if you're a fat ass, go with Russell". Not arguing, just never heard that one before...

+1 on the ride-in.

Well to answer your question, Pick one. I have had both and I liked both equally as well... The rick M seat is special foam and the Russell is springs. I think the big thing here is the ride in... Much better results and U don't have to send the seat back three times for adjustments.

Seams like Katy is getting surly at Russell so you might call Rick and ask him about his seat...

Good luck and enjoy the new seat.

PS I got one of those big butts and didnt have a problem with either...


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"Security Squad Sized", sir!
Brute Squad size? :lol:

I am rather portly (hefty, under-height for my weight, phat, chunky) and I love my Russell.

I can HIGHLY recommend the Russell, in fact, I ddin't think a seat could be this comfortable for long periods, night and day to the Corbin.
Skyway "ddin't" think a Russell could be that comfortable until he borowed one. Now he has had his done.

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Rocky had an opening this Monday for a ride-in and I grabbed it for my Wabs! Woot! Meebe I'll ride the Wabs to Yosemite... Hmmmm.

Now I really didn't think 225 lbs was that "BIG" you guys make me sound "FAT"..... :eek: :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the recommendations will be calling today to set up drive in on the one I utlimately choose.



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