Russell day long what to order?

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
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Florence, SC
I am going to order a Russell Day-Long seat next week :yahoo: . I am initially only going to have the front seat done. My wife likes the back as it is and the factory seat is weather proof. She rides her own bike most of the time now anyway. When the cash situation is a little better I plan on ordering a new stock seat to use for my daily ride to work since the stock seat is water proof. If I buy a factory front seat later the Russell will probably only be used on longer weekend rides and on vacation trips.


Does anybody have an opinion on what material(s) and construction (stitching, color, etc.) for the front seat will match the stock back seat best. I am not to fond of the upkeep for leather.

Unless things have changed recently, Russell doesn't have a material that matches the stock FJR seat. I would go with a standard black vinyl in the half moon pattern - less stitching means less likely to let the water get inside the seat. So far, no problems with mine and it has seen a lot of rain.

I went with the large rectangles in a black full leather seat. Rear is the stocker just covered to match.


I bought leather because it's cooler on my buns & less reflective of perspiration. Love it! Still have to stand every once & awhile when on a long ride, but had to do that with the stocker (just more with the stocker).

Sorry guys, I guess these seats are comfortable, but every time I look at one I can't help but think that those "wings" aside from looking weird would be a real hindrance in the twisties or am I wrong?

You'ze wrong :p They don't bother me in the twisteis at all, but then I'm not draggin knee either :rolleyes:

You'ze wrong :p They don't bother me in the twisteis at all, but then I'm not draggin knee either :rolleyes:
'What I meant is it would be pretty hard to slide one cheek off the seat with that "wing" thing there that's all.
It's not that bad really, they compress fairly well. If you get the chance, sit on one and get a feeling for them before discounting them. I didn't notice where you're at, but if your in the area, you're welcome to sit on my Russell.

Ok, nuffa dis double posting crud. I'm not postin no more today. :angry2:

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Hey do what Silent did with the matching vinyl front and rear. They even make a marine grade vinyl now that looks just like grained leather. You can even get it in simulated exotic hides like lizard, snake, alagator, etc. And don't worry about the stiching as have them install a 4 ml. water barrier under the vinyl and ask for stainless staples if they don't already use them on the cover. You could even have them install a closed cell foam preferably a gel-foam insert on top of the rear foam and cover it. Might be comfy enough for the wife without going the full redo. Let us know what you did and how it went. Cheers, PM. <>< :D

Sorry guys, I guess these seats are comfortable, but every time I look at one I can't help but think that those "wings" aside from looking weird would be a real hindrance in the twisties or am I wrong?

You're right.

I rode with a friend yesterday, he has a Russell I have a Sargent. The Sargent has smaller "wings" and is smaller than the Russell overall. Also the Sargent allows you to slide around/from side to side in the twisties the Russell does not.

The Russell however is very,very comfortable and great for all day riding/touring. Those wings which may look a little funny when you're off the bike looking at it really hold/support your butt in the saddle when you're riding it.


Sorry guys, I guess these seats are comfortable, but every time I look at one I can't help but think that those "wings" aside from looking weird would be a real hindrance in the twisties or am I wrong?

You're right.

I rode with a friend yesterday, he has a Russell I have a Sargent. The Sargent has smaller "wings" and is smaller than the Russell overall. Also the Sargent allows you to slide around/from side to side in the twisties the Russell does not.

The Russell however is very,very comfortable and great for all day riding/touring. Those wings which may look a little funny when you're off the bike looking at it really hold/support your butt in the saddle when you're riding it.


I have one and had leather which I regret due to the upkeep and water issues since I ride in all weather and what I have ended up doing is using the stock seat for putting around locally when rain is forecast and only using the russell for long trips or droughts. It is worth it for comfort but I would go vinyl if I did it again. Cheaper and no maintenance. Wear wicker underwear and your butt will be fine. Good luck

Ive had leather in the past and now I have velour...and on my old bike I had vinyl. If you ask me there is no perfect choice. I thought the leather was slippery, no matter what i treated it with...the velour has some positive points that i like, you dont slip around and it breathes nicely, but covering it for rain is a pain and its ugly. Wish they could make a perfect material but I dont think its out there.

I use the stock for most around town riding, then switch to the Russel for extended trips. I mix and match the front and the back depending on if my wife is coming along or not. I can ride alllll day without ever giving my butt a second thought, it has made riding all the more enjoyable. And you can absolutely move your butt around on the twisty roads, it makes no difference between the stocker or the Day-Long.



Just remember leather has that great feel and durability but must be kept conditioned and every time it gets wet it looses part of its resiliance. Get leather wet 20 times and you are due for more leather if it hasn't been taken care of. It may not appear that way but the properties have diminished considerably. Carry a seat cover if you run leather and you can also cover it while riding when it rains. Its a hassle but some don't mind it. Its no different that owning a good saddle for your horse. Condition condition condition and it will take care of you. And if one is worried about slipping around the seat there are spray products to prevent this found at Saddle GripPM. <>< :D

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Where do you come up with the extra seat pan for the day long saddle? I would like to keep my stock saddle too but haven't figured out how to do that. Thanks for your help. John
