Russell seat 'ride-in' experience

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
While on our multi-state family vacation recently (which included 8 days of myself and the wife riding our bikes up the CA Pacific coast hwy..awesome!) I scheduled a 'ride-in' appt. at Russell Seats in Shasta Lake on 6/13; rolled in on my '05 at 8 am as requested. We were graciously greeted by the president of the company, and my work order was on their counter awaiting my arrival. :) Two technicians spoke with me; they did a 'check out' with me on the bike, shot some digital pix, etc. ; I noticed a heavily farkled Duc ST4 was there as well..spoke with the rider briefly; told me he rides for Ducati?...hmmm.. The staff loaned me another seat, and off we went. I returned about 10:45 for a test fit; seat felt great, but was definitely higher; staff assured me that would decrease after the cover was applied *and* it was broken in. The one staffer told me that they do a lot of FJRs & mine was the 'best sounding one' he had heard...thanks! (I guess...) we took off again; when we returned for the last time after 3 pm, the weather was crappy; we rode through the rain to get to the shop; staff made room for me in their bay. The seat was ready, (ahead of schedule) and felt great; still sits a good 3/4" higher than stock, but again the staff said it would break in; that's my only concern at this time (for me that is..due to my 30" inseam I have to hug the tank at stops). For the seat, I chose all leather, 2 tone, charcoal gray & pix yet, I'll upload one soon.

The rain got worse, so we decided to hang out at their shop 'til it lightened up. Now I noticed the Duc rider (a slight-build unpretentious older gentleman) was still there, trying to get his new seat back on while dealing with a fuel cell. We struck up a conversation, and he asked for my assistance... I assumed he was an Iron Butt rider:

-you participate in the Iron Butt Rally?"

he nonchalantly replies: "yeah, I've won it before"

-okay, now I gotta know...I introduce myself...and he says...

"I'm Gary Eagan"

-THE Gary Eagan? Wow..(guess the Duc should have tipped me off, but hey, I only knew the name) what are the odds I'd meet him here on this day, right? I explained to my wife how he's ridden all over, evals. bikes, equipment, writes columns, has become a legend of sorts, etc, etc. We had a nice conversation and he revealed he was a bit, um, unhappy with Russell that his rebuilt seat wasn't ready sooner, since now he will have to leave & ride through the rain to get on with his journey; his ultimate destination was Utah. He mentioned he had to give a 6am press conference to the AMA, & would most likely have to ride through snow as well to get there on time. My wife, visibly impressed, now joins in the conversation:

-riding through snow? That must be very difficult! What's the secret to riding through snow?

and Eagan, Iron Butt Rally winner, legendary long distance rider, factory sponsored hard-ass supplies us with this pearl of wisdom:

'Try not to fall down!" :lol2:

There it is folks, you read it here first!

We left, and I put another 250+ miles on the FJR with the new seat before I had to trailer it back to Texas with the family. My butt felt great! B) And thumbs-up to the staff at Russell; great service and workmanship. Pics to follow, more review later//

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Cool story.

You wudda thought Russell would have taken great pains to make sure Senor Eagan was a very satisfied customer.

And the seat breaking in (compressing) a whole 3/4"? Call me skeptical on that claim. Keep us posted on how it turns out.

Glad you had a great experience.

Gary's a nice guy and a determined competitor. Last time I had a chance to visit with him was at the Dallas Bike Show. He was there counting ballots for the viewers' choice award for the owners' Ducs that were at the booth. Knowing he was busy, I started to keep things short. He assured me he could count and visit at the same time so there was no reason for me to run off. :D
